Xenon’s mechanism of action and application, correction of autistic-like behavior and symptoms of autism in rats
... has been demonstrated to be effective as an anesthetic during surgeries, in organ transplantation, and in reducing pain syndromes. A novel application of this inert gas may be in addressing symptoms of psycho-neurodegenerative disorders, particularly autism. Patients with autism spectrum disorder are characterized by hyperexcitability, heightened anxiety, and impaired social interaction. Xenon inhalation has been shown to normalize autism-like behaviors in animal models of autism induced by valproate....
‘Theory of mind’ in explaining verbal and cognitive dysfunctions in autistic children and its experimental test
This article considers the main principles of ‘theory of mind’ as a cognitive theory explaining verbal and cognitive dysfunctions in children with autism spectrum disorder. The article presents some results of testing this theory through a psycholinguistic experiment that involved 16 students from special schools. It is concluded that, in the case of autistic children, it is more correct to speak ...
Sensory fatigue as a functional condition in people with disability
... for the study of its qualitative and quantitative characteristics, as well as to develop psychological and pedagogical methods and approaches to reducing it in people with health conditions.
Mikhalchi E.
sensory fatigue, persons with disabilities, autism, synesthesia