IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2011 Issue №11

Exploration and development of classical pedagogical heritage: on the problem of terminology (on the basis of A. S. Makarenko's oeuvre)


This article identifies the specific features of processes of exploration and development of classical pedagogical heritage on the basis of history of development of A. S. Makarenko's heritage as a social pedagogue-reformer in the context of description of social pedagogical initiative and formal pedagogy. The author emphasises the parallelism of the two factors, their non-linear and cyclic character, interdependence and interaction within the processes of exploration and development of A. S. Makarenko’s heritage in Soviet pedagogy.

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On the models of modern research and education pol-icy in the Baltic region states


This article provides a comparative analysis of the mechanisms of education policies pursued by the governments of Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The authors identify similarities and differences in the funding mechanisms, direction of reforms, the role of education system modernization in the innovative development of the Baltic Sea region, and the mechanisms of technological development through introducing innovations in education and science. The general education policy trend in these countries shows that most of public investment is allocated to universi-ties and newly formed joint research centers. The authors study the case of strategic planning at the I. Kant Baltic Federal University.

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Actualisation of value priorities of Russian cosmism in the context of pedagogical thought evolution


This article analyses the value foundations of pedagogy at the present stage and in historical development. The author offers a classification of the main value attitudes to personalities (to oneself, other equal subjects, and the world), which makes it possible to analyze the changing objectives of education. The article explains why pedagogical addresses the value priorities of Russian cosmism as a result of the expansion of society's value field.

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The problem of training a teacher to maintain Federal State Educational Standard in basic education


This article analyzes a number of studies concerned with training teachers for meeting the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) and presents a system of interconnected components identifying a teacher’s readiness to introduce new standards. Special attention is paid to diagnosing a teacher’s readiness to maintain new standards. An advanced training programme “The organization of educational process in compliance with the FSES” is being developed in view of the identified components.

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Correction of students’ knowledge in lectures


This article is devoted to the little-studied problem of correction of uni¬versity students’ knowledge. The notion of knowledge correction is intro¬duced, the opportunities and methods of correcting students’ knowledge lec¬tures are analysed. The use of knowledge correction tests is discussed as a means to personalise the correction of students’ knowledge in lectures.

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Indicators of higher education quality in the context of consumption values


This article offers an author’s interpretation of such notions as “educational service” and “education quality”. The author describes the existing approaches to classification of consumption values, identifies the components of educational services that are of importance in the context of consumption values, and outlines the prospects of applying value approach to developing educational services at a university.

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Transition to the information paradigm as a challenge to the 21st century education


This article attempts to prove that the steadily increasing information space is an objective reality in the contemporary world and that it affects education. Another objective is to analyse the essence and emphasise the need for developing information competences in teaches and to show that such competence can be properly developed in a well-built on-campus information environment. The on-campus information environment must ensure information security of individuals

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Conditions for students' effective research and pedagogical activity at university


This article describes the conditions for effective research and pedagogical activity of students at university on the basis of system-oriented approach to the analysis of research and pedagogical activity. These conditions are as follows: integration of research and educational activity, individualisation of educational process, effective interaction between the student and academic supervisor, etc.

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The methodology of measuring the success of con-sulting procedures


This article outlines a methodology for identifying the success of consulting — a form of assisting an education institution’s employees in the practical implementation of the key ideas behind its functioning. The methodology takes into account the features of administrative activities. Consulting is described as a system of implementing consulting procedures forming a closed cycle of “target setting — design — action — analysis”. Each ensuing cycle is not a reproduction of the previous one but rather a new stage of the system develop¬ment.

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