The University lecture as a holistic entity
The article characterizes the function of a lecture as an important form of current university education, reveals its capacities to intensify students' cognitive activity. A certain focus is made on interactive technologies which promotes the response relations with the audience. The author concludes ...
The multimedia assisted lecture technology in the university training of physical education specialists
This article introduces the multimedia assisted lecture technology for the students of Faculty of Physical Education and Sports and presents its theoretical framework and effectiveness analysis.
Богданов В.
. и др. Информационные технологии обучения ...
Revisiting Schleiermacher’s On the Different Methods of Translating: On the Foundations of Translation Relativity Theory
... replacing a theory of translation with its empiric version. However, a different approach is also possible. The outlines of the theory of translational and traductological relativity can be derived from the ideas first voiced by Schleiermacher in his lecture On the different methods of translation (1813), from Quineʼs theory of indeterminacy of translation, and from Benjaminʼs concept of untranslatability. From a multi-disciplinary perspective, this heterogeneity is viewed as a benefit. Instead ...
The notion of anthropology in Kant's philosophy
... Hamburg, 1999.
11. Brandt R. Die Bestimmung des Menschen bei Kant. Hamburg, 2007.
12. Firla M. Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Anthropologie und Moralphilosophie bei Kant. Frankfurt a/M;Bern, 1981.
13. Guyer P. Beauty, Freedom, and Morality. Kant’s Lectures on Anthropology and the Development of his Aesthetic Theory // Jacobs/Kain 2003. S. 135—163.
14. Hinske N. Kants Idee der Anthropologie // Die Frage nach dem Menschen. Aufriß einer philosophischen Anthropologie. Festschrift für Max Müller ...