IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2010 Issue №11

The planning of effective professional performance of a psychologist at preschool educational institutions


This article discusses the need for planning the activity of a psychological counsellor at a preschool education institution; the author gives a definition of ergonomic integrity of the activity of a psychological counsellor at a preschool education institution, describes the algorithm for defining the ergative functions of a counsellor, and identifies the essential components of the psychological support technique.

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The development of the grammaticon of a multicultural language personality


This article defines grammaticon as an integrated part of a multicultural language personality, which includes an inventory of grammatical units and relations between them, as well as the ability to use these grammatical units in real cross-cultural communication. The structure of grammaticon consists of 3 parts: the universal, the national, and the individual components.

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Modern educational technologies in the development of cognitive independence of technical and humanities students


Computer and interactive technologies facilitate the development of ideas of computer-assisted learning, suggest absolutely new technological variant of teaching based on the unique capabilities of modern computers and telecommunications, which will allow students to deal competently with educational and self-educational problems, integrate and use certain elements of their knowledge, take advantage of learning experience, and take responsibility for education received.

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Professional universality of linguists: providing a rationale of the concept


This paper sets out to examine professional universality as an intrinsic essential characteristic of a linguist, a thorough consideration of which provides a rationale of the expedience and necessity of the importance of professional universality for promoting a better competitiveness and professional development in contemporary system of professional education.

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The role and potential of computer-aided teaching systems in the foreign language training of the students of EMERCOM education institutions


This article is devoted to the individual approach to teaching foreign languages in ЕМЕRCOM education institutions. The research shows that the conflict between the intensification of teaching process and the level of individualization can be resolved by means of Computer-aided Teaching Systems that perform the computerization of didactic databases.

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