IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2010 Issue №11

The psychological defensive behavior strategies of teachers with different burnout levels


This empiric research is devoted to the study of strategies of psychological defensive behavior of teachers, their dependence on the burnout level and the identification of teacher types on the basis of this dependence. As a result, the authors identified and described the types of teachers with different burnout levels and defensive behaviour strategies in difficult professional situations.

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The psychological aspects of treating patients with chronic toxic and dysmetabolic polyneuropathies


This article discusses the experience of applying psychodiagnostic methods in the complex treatment of patients with endo- and exotoxic nervous system damage. The results of the psychological testing showed that the proposed complex therapy reduces the severity of clinical implications of chronic polyneuropathy and increases the quality of life in all patient groups.

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The development of emotional culture in primary school children


The article is devoted to the problem of children’s’ emotional culture. The author analyses the possibility of its formation by means of basic educational disciplines. Special attention is paid to the development of emotional culture by psychological centres of education institutions. This problem is considered through the example of the experiment on emotional culture improvement conducted in one of the schools of Saransk

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The phased elements of the motivation process as a theoretical framework for the determination of students’ professional motivation ation


This article examines the motivation theories underlying the definition analysis. The problem of formulating the scientific notion of “students’ professional motivation” is presented with the help of the analysis of author’s definitions of students’ professional motivation. The author offers schemes of formulating both general notions and the notion of students’ professional motivation. The article provides the author’s definition of
students’ professional motivation specifying the role and function of each phased element of the motivation process.

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