Steven Makin’s ontological argument: The concept of necessary exis¬ten¬ce of God
This article deals with one of the most elegant and non-standard versions of the modal onto-logical argument for God’s existence, which was proposed by the analytic philosopher Stephen Makin in 1988. He managed to avoid the famous criticism of Kant concerning the impossibility of acknowledging the predicate ‘to exist’ as real. Makin’s argument ...
The ontological argument: an “office” solution
There are two important facts that prevent the success of the so called "ontological argument": 1) the use of the concept of existence as a real predicate and 2) the confusion of de re and de dicto modalities. The article considers a way to overcome the former problem proposed by the Czech logician Pavel Tichý.
1. Ансельм ...
The notion of ontology in the system model of argumentation
This article analyzes the notion of ontology in computer science and contemporary argumentation theories. It introduces the notion of ontology into the system model of argumentation (SMA) in view of the specific features of the latter. The author analyses the role of ontology in building an argumentation model within SMA.
1. Брюшинкин ...
A cognitive approach to argumentation and message produc-tion
This article compares a cognitive approach to argumentation with message production. The author distinguishes between two kinds of cognitive approaches to argumentation. Certain similarities and differences between D. Hample’s and V. Bryushinkin’s concepts are analysed. The most influential conceptions ...
On the possibility of visual argumentation
This article offers a review and analysis of the discussion on the possibility of visual argumentation presented in English periodicals. The author focuses on the prospects of including this problem into the context of contemporary argumentation theory.
1. Брюшинкин В. Н. Аргументорика: исходная абстракция ...
Knowing humanity without knowing the human being: The structure of polemic in Kant’s political argumentation
... and politics. According to Kant’s philosophy of law, the model of an ideal society can be pictured as a mechanism. However, his philosophy of history and politics claims the opposite, inclining towards organicism. The methodological framework for argumentation analysis is V. Bryushinkin’s ‘cognitive approach’. The author identifies the historical and ideational sources of decision-making criteria, which Kant assigns to his opponents. The article summarises relevant findings reported by H....
On the logical inconsistency of Kant’s critique of the cosmological argument
The paper shows that the Kantian critique of cosmological argument does not take into account the existential presuppositions of Aristotelian syllogistic, so it is logically untenable. The basic idea of Kant is that the cosmological proof does not rely on the empirical premise (i.e. the existence of the world)....
The rhetorical turn in argumentation theory
This article focuses on the key aspects of the rhetorical approach developed by Christopher Tindale and emphasizes its significance for modern theory of argumentation. The article examines the historical background of the rhetorical turn and its relation to informal logic and pragma-dialectics. The author argues that it is justified to consider different approaches to argumentation as complementary.
Schelling’s Criticism of Ontological Argument and Interpretation of Kant’s Doctrine of the Ideal of Reason
To reconstruct a critique of the ontological proof of the existence of God in Schelling’s philosophy I examine his interpretation of the ontological argument by Anselm of Canterbury and Descartes as well as Schelling’s assessment of the critique of the Kantian ontological proof of the existence of God. I propose a reconstruction of Schelling’s account of undoubted being which cannot be deduced ...
Kant on «logical objection» to ontological argument: fragment R 3706. Part I
This study is dedicated to the ideas, expressed in manuscript R 3706, where Kant criticizes traditional refutation of ontological argument, which is based on distinction of “ideal” and “real” judgments. The relation of this criticism to Kant’s argumentation in “Nova dilucidatio” and the preceding polemic over ontological argument is analyzed.
1. Декарт Р....
Kant on the “logical objection” to the ontological argument: fragment R 3706. Part II
This article considers manuscript fragment R 3706, in which Kant criticises the traditional objection to the ontological argument based on ideal-real judgement distinction. The author analyses the relation this criticism to Kant’s argumentation in Nova dilucidatio and the earlier polemic on the ontological argument.
1. Декарт Р. Размышления о первой ...
Kant on “logical objectionv“ to ontological argument: fragment R 3706
This article is dedicated to the ideas, expressed in manuscript R 3706, where Kant criticizes traditional refutation of ontological argument, which is based on distinction of “ideal” and “real” judgments. The relation of this criticism to Kant’s argumentation in “Nova dilucidatio” and the preceding polemic over ontological argument is analyzed.
1. Descartes R. Razmyshlenija ...
Functioning of the means to present argumentation in a judicial discourse: The case of Polish literary texts
This article is devoted to the means of presenting argumentation in literature focusing on judicial matters. In such texts, theses and relevant arguments are often in an implicit form, which emphasises the particularities of the functioning of judicial reasoning. In addition, the argumentative function,...
Argumentum ad morti in the violence discourse: the semantics and pragmatics of ‘radical’ argumentation
The appeal to death is a type of argument that either explicitly or implicitly invokes human finitude. This rhetorical device contributes to the credibility of requests, wishes, etc., or blocks communication. The illocutionary power of the appeal to death is determined by the means ...
Kant's argumentation in the scholia to theorem VI in “Nova Dilucidatio”: The traditional interpretation and related problems
This offers an introduction to the analysis of Kant’s refutation of the ontological argument in his dissertation A New Elucidation of the First Principles of Metaphysical Cognition (Nova dilucidatio). The author explains the importance of the pre-critical argument analysis for the understanding of argumentation presented in the Critique ...
The place and role of ontology in the system model of argumentation
This article identifies the role of ontology in the system model of argumentation (SMA). Since the term ‘ontology’ is rarely used in argumentation studies and the context of its usage is rather unconventional, there is a need to define the notion of ontology within SMA. The method for studying argumentation in SMA ...
Kant's argumentation in the scholion to theorem VI in "Nova dilucidatio": a new interpretation
This article deals with Kant’s objection to the ontological argument in his early work "A New Elucidation of the First Principles of Metaphysical Cognition". The author offers a new interpretation of Kant’s argumentation.
1. Ансельм Кентерберийский. Просологион // ...
Kants argumentation in the scholion to theorem VI in "Nova dilucidatio": the problem of logical interconnection between the theorem and the scholion
This article discusses the thesis put forward by some scholars that Kant’s objection to the ontological argument in the Scholion to Prop. VI in "Nova dilucidatio" contradicts Prop. VI. The author shows how the apparent discrepancy between Prop. VI and the Scholion can be explained.
1. Ермолаев В. К. Аргументация Канта ...
Linguistic Means Expressing Argumentation in Judicial Discourse late 19th: The Prosecutor’s Speech in Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov
This article analyses linguistic means of expressing argumentation in judicial discourse as used in the prosecutor’s speech in F. M. Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov. The author identifies logical and psychological types of argumentation characteristic of the 19th-century courtroom speeches. Such ...
Analytic Work on Kant — Idealism, Things in Themselves, and the Object of Knowledge
... Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, 2014), the author questions how far Kant’s idealism can be accepted and these problems resolved in any way that (i) is reasonably faithful to Kant’s texts, (ii) renders his position consistent (and his major arguments valid), and (iii) does not rest on premises that are themselves philosophically implausible. The author argues that these three desiderata are not met in any strictly Kantian and philosophically satisfactory way in the interpretations given ...
Kant’s argumentation in the scholion to theorem VI in Nova dilucidatio: a new interpretation
This article deals with Kant’s objection to the ontological argument in his early work "A New Elucidation of the First Principles of Metaphysical Cognition". The author offers a new interpretation of Kant’s argumentation.
1. Ансельм Кентерберийский. Просологион // ...