Kantian Journal

2011 Issue №1(35)

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Kants argumentation in the scholion to theorem VI in "Nova dilucidatio": the problem of logical interconnection between the theorem and the scholion



This article discusses the thesis put forward by some scholars that Kant’s objection to the ontological argument in the Scholion to Prop. VI in "Nova dilucidatio" contradicts Prop. VI. The author shows how the apparent discrepancy between Prop. VI and the Scholion can be explained.


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2. Ермолаев В. К. Аргументация Канта в схолии к Теореме VI в "Nova dilucidatio": интерпретации Т. Пиндера и Й. Шмукера // Кантовский сборник: науч. жур­н. 2010. 4(34). С. 46—59.

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7. Henrich D. Der ontologische Gottesbeweis. Tübingen, 1960.

8. Reimarus H. S. Vernunftlehre / Hrsg. von F. Lötzsch. München, 1979.

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