Kantian Journal

2017 Vol. 36. №4

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Analytic Work on Kant — Idealism, Things in Themselves, and the Object of Knowledge



The article sketches the development of Kant interpretation in analytic philosophy. The author turns to Kant’s transcendental idealism and three well-known difficulties about things in themselves which Kant’s idealism generates: problems about unknowability, noumenal-affection and category-application, and the neglected-alternative. Building on the work “Things in Themselves: an Interim Report” (XI Kant Readings, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, 2014), the author questions how far Kant’s idealism can be accepted and these problems resolved in any way that (i) is reasonably faithful to Kant’s texts, (ii) renders his position consistent (and his major arguments valid), and (iii) does not rest on premises that are themselves philosophically implausible. The author argues that these three desiderata are not met in any strictly Kantian and philosophically satisfactory way in the interpretations given by P. F. Strawson, Rae Langton, Henry Allison, and Desmond Hogan, among other analytic Kant scholars. It is unlikely that one can find any strictly Kantian, philosophically satisfactory resolution of the above problems. However, looser but philosophically valuable reconstructions of Kant’s ideas are possible. The author also comments briefly on Robert Hanna’s, Maja Soboleva’s, and Sergey Katrechko’s views on things in themselves. Finally, the author suggests several avenues that Kant scholarship might take, given this discussion.


1. Katrechko, S. 2017, Specifika kantovskogo transcendentalizma i koncept «veshh'- sama-po-sebe» [The Specificity of Kant’s Transcendentalism and Its Concept of the Thing- It-Itself], in: Kantovsky Sbornik [Kantian Papers]. Vol. 36, no. 4, р. 68—87.
2. Soboleva, M. 2017, Analiticheskoe kantovedenie, transcendental'nyj idealizm i veshh' v sebe [Analytical Kant-studies, transcendental idealism and thing in itself], in: Kantovsky Sbornik [Kantian Papers]. Vol 36, no. 4, p. 88—99.
3. Hanna, R. 2017, Kant, radikal'nyj agnosticizm i metodologicheskij jeliminativizm otnositel'no veshhej v sebe [Kant, Radical Agnosticism, and Methodological Eliminativism about Things-in-Themselves], in: Kantovsky Sbornik [Kantian Papers]. Vol 36, no. 4, p. 51—67.
4. Howell, R. 2008, Kantovskie ob’ekty — problemy i perspektivy issledovanija [Kantian Objects — problems and perspectives of analysis], in: Kantovsky Sbornik [Kantian Papers], no. 27, p. 6—20.
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6. Allison, H. 2004, Kant’s Transcendental Idealism, New Haven (1st ed. 1983).
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9. Guyer, P. 1987, Kant and the Claims of Knowledge, New York.
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11. Hogan, D. 2009a, How to Know Unknowable Things in Themselves, in: Noûs, 43, p. 49—63.
12. Hogan, D. 2009b, Noumenal Affection, in: Philosophical Review, 118, p. 501—32.
13. Hogan, D. 2009c, Three Kinds of Rationalism and the Non-Spatiality of Things in Themselves”, in: Journal of the History of Philosophy, 47, p. 355—382.
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18. Howell, R. 2013, Kant and Kantian Themes in Recent Analytic Philosophy, in: Metaphilosophy, No. 44, Pp. 42—47.
19. Howell, R. 2014, Things in Themselves: An Interim Report, in: XI Kantovskie chtenija: Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii [XI Kant Readings. Proceedings of the International  Kant Conference]. Kaliningrad, p. 18—32.
20. Kant, I. 1997, Critique of Pure Reason, trans. P. Guyer and A. Wood, New York.
21. Kitcher, P. 1990, Kant’s Transcendental Psychology. New York.
22. Kitcher, P. 2011, Kant’s Thinker. New York.
23. Langton, R. 1998, Kantian Humility. New York.
24. Parsons, C. 1964, Infinity and Kant’s Conception of the ‘Possibility of Experience’, in: Philosophical Review, no. 73, p. 183—197.
25. Soboleva, M. 2016, Braucht man Anschauung um zu denken?, in: Das Denken des Denkens. Ein philosophischer Überblick. Hrsg. M. Soboleva. Bielefeld. S. 87—112.
26. Strawson, P. F. 1966, The Bounds of Sense, London.
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