IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2022 Issue №1

Politics of urban identity in the cultural heritage discourse of St. Petersburg: media analysi


The article is devoted to the urban identity construction within the exist­ing, inhomogeneous, conflicting discourse of the cultural heritage of St. Pe­tersburg. The discursive practices of the actors of 7 discourses within the main discourse of the cultural heritage of St. Petersburg are reconstructed from the media and field studies; 9 dispositive variables of each discourse are consi­dered.

Narrative and other discursive strategies are systematized according to their role in the reassembly of the system (network). While each actor pursues their own goal and solves several problems, the overall configuration of the system determines the characteristics of the reassembly carried out.

The articulation of interests, goals and values ​​of actors leads to a clearer distribution in a theoretical perspective, authentic identification and a con­scious choice of practices and policies in the construction of urban identity.

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The CPSU and the CPC: comparative aspects of the historical and cultural approach


The comparison of the ideas and activities of the CPC and the party that formally ended its activities in Russia under the name of the CPSU is relevant for analyzing the prospects of the socialist, communist way of development. At the same time, in our opinion, it is important to consider the cultural, his­torical, and cultural aspects of such a comparison. The methodology of the re­search is connected in this case precisely to the historical description of the main stages of development, the nature of the activities of the communist par­ty in Russia and in China with the historical and culturological assessment of known facts. The conclusions of the article are related to the more European nature of the Russian mentality, more dynamically contrasting, difficult events in the history of Russia as a serious factor in the formation and work of the CPSU (in particular, this explains the factional movement, multiparty system as a condition for functioning, the rigidity of politics, etc.); at the same time, the desire of the Chinese for harmony, the philosophic nature of their thinking, greater traditionalism cause a smaller number of factions in the CPC, possibly "soft" cooperation with other parties (with a small number of the latter), etc. The flexibility of Chinese thinking in a very traditional coun­try is surprising by the very fact of the "unexpected" and effective, in fact, re­placing the government of the party movement at a certain historical moment. Even though in Russia, too, the "open" democratic process in the early XX cen­tury appeared as if "from scratch", it, being more European in mentality, had a considerable tradition of political thought of the European type.

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The Eric Zemmour phenomenon in French politics


The article examines the peculiarities of the worldview and political views of French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour, an extreme right-wing na­tionalist whose popularity came as the main political surprise of the 2022 elec­tion campaign. The article reveals Zemmour's attitude towards the key issues of historical politics and the current French political agenda, such as identity crisis, total nihilism, feminization of politics, his attitude towards Germany, the USA, NATO, the EU, Russia and his views on the Ukrainian issue.

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