IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2021 Issue №4

Internet in political communication of contempo­rary Poland: challenges and prospects for development


The article reveals the problems of political communication in modern Poland, the role of the Internet in the dialogue between the authorities and society. Particular attention is paid to the impact of social networks on the quality of political communication. The characteristic features of the position of ordinary users and representatives of political elites in the communication process are singled out and described. As a research task, the authors identified the main characteristics of political communication in the Internet space of Poland. The article analyzes the views of Polish researchers of the problem. Based on the study of statistical data and a comparison of their interpretation, it has been established that the most significant problem in the field of political communication in the Polish Internet space is the exit from the "information cocoons", and not the issues of technical re-equipment of the communication infrastructure. The authors concluded that the current polarization of opinions, multiple provocations and acts of information aggression carry the risks of destabilizing the internal political situation in the country.

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The Kaliningrad region as a site of memory for the Russians


The author of the article analyzes the shaping of the Russian identity of the region’s inhabitants on particular examples and personal impressions and experience. A common term “the site of memory” applied to the Kaliningrad region, makes it possible to speak of a strong regional, or Kaliningrad, component of identity. The regional public consciousness and particularly its collective memory, which is in the process of its shaping, is influenced by the previous German (East Prussian) history. The diversity of memory sites in the region with different national and cultural characteristics requires a specific approach to ranking the identity emphasis.

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Organized crime in Soviet Russia: the paradox of institutiona­lization. Part two


This article follows the previous publication, which showed the growth of the organized crime in the Soviet period of Russian social history. This part of the article reveals the features of organized criminal activity during the so-called "stagnation period." At the same time, the author emphasizes that the 1980s were the most favorable for the sprawl of organized crime. It was during these years that this type of antisocial activity reached its peak, covering all spheres of social life with its influence, bringing to life a massive near-criminal social world. In particular, it was a matter of increasing corruption of local structures, the apparatus of management, including Party officials at various levels, which had not been known before. Corruption also affected law enforcement agencies, especially the police. In this part of the ar­ticle, the author noted that in a very short period of history related Y. V. And­ro­pov certain steps were taken to curb the most visible and dangerous ma­ni­festations of organized crime, but this period itself was not long. Later rest­ruc­turing essentially crossed out what was done and marked the onset of a new stage in the development of organized forms of criminal activity. Various ma­nifestations of organized crime, which has always tried to merge with legal forms of economic and other activity, are also considered. Suggestions have been made about the possibility of further limiting the spheres of influence of or­ganized criminal activity.

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