An “ideal city”, its statics and dynamics
AbstractThe article develops an ‘ideal city’ theme and focuses on the relationships of its statics and dynamics in a mobile local-global context. The author offers the definitions of these two notions under historical and modern conditions, and determines the specificity of the ‘ideal city’ as a complex socio-biotechnical system both dependent on the scale of it (local, national, global) and its position within the dynamic global whole. Then, the ideal city notion is analyzed in two aspects: as a channel of presentation of a model of future living environment, and as a form of its application to the goal of making (constructing) of quality model of Russian megalopolises safe and comfortable for its inhabitants and visitors. In any case, the harm produced by their social systems to the biosphere has to be minimal. It means that the megalopolises should simultaneously be well supplied with their own renewable resources and to be well supplied with resources coming from the outside. The megalopolis inhabitants have to be well informed about the inside and outside metabolic processes. In conclusion the author claims the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach to designing and constructing an ‘ideal city’ model in Russia and everywhere. Such interdisciplinary research and development teams of the researchers, tutors, students, journalists, grassroots activists and municipal workers have to be formed. It is stated that a practical realization of any ‘ideal city’ project is neither a ‘social project’ in a traditional sense, nor a set of indices that have to be followed. An ‘ideal city’ project is a model of uninterrupted process of transformation of social, material, informational and other interrelated components of such city mobile whole.