Russia’s energy policy in the Baltic region: a geoeconomic approach
... structures. As such it aims to achieve both general economic goals (generation of profit, market domination) and more specific geoeconomic tasks. At the same time, the policy follows the traditional rules of consumer/producer market game. Russian energy resources are delivered to an energy deficient region, wh ere the demand and need for them is stable. The study is based on the author’s geoeconomic methodology, which extensively uses geographical and general scientific methods. This work aims to develop ...
The economic problems of rational management of vital resources in regional enterprises
This article addresses the issues of rational resource management as the priority areas of modern Russian public policy. The study focuses on vital resources and the identification and optimization of losses associated with such resources. The authors propose a system of indicators for assessing ...
An “ideal city”, its statics and dynamics
... megalopolises safe and comfortable for its inhabitants and visitors. In any case, the harm produced by their social systems to the biosphere has to be minimal. It means that the megalopolises should simultaneously be well supplied with their own renewable resources and to be well supplied with resources coming from the outside. The megalopolis inhabitants have to be well informed about the inside and outside metabolic processes. In conclusion the author claims the necessity of an interdisciplinary ...
Finance lease in attracting investment resources to the fishing industry of the Kaliningrad region
... it possible to systemise the process of fulfilling ship delivery orders, en-sure legal protection of lessees, and improve control over prompt payment.
This system can also be used in concluding finance lease agreements in order to attract financial resources to building a fishing fleet
О лизинге : федеральный закон от 29.01.2002 № 10-ФЗ. [Электронный ресурс]. Доступ из справ.-правовой системы «КонсультантПлюс»....