IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2013 Issue №9

The criminological and psychological profile of persons sentenced to restriction of freedom


This article is devoted to the investigation of forensic and psychological features of persons sentenced to restriction of liberty on the basis of a psychological and sociological analysis of persons sentenced to restriction of freedom registered at penal institutions of the Kaliningrad region. An analysis of the results of the study suggest that, during the sentence period, those sentenced to restriction of freedom either do not reject the commonly accepted norms, values, and behavior patterns or demonstrate the medium degree of rejection. This category of convicted persons shows either low or medium degree of readiness for delinquent behavior and aggression. In most cases, those sentenced to restriction of liberty are able to control the behavioral manifestations of emotional reactions.

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The tactical features of interrogating witnesses to crimes against public officials


This article considers the application of witness personality doctrine when investigating crimes against public officials. The cases of crimes against employees of correctional facilities help describe the features of different categories of witnesses and propose tactics of interrogating witnesses of each type.

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