Marine Spatial Planning: Theoretical Aspects
... geosystems are the following ones: identifying relatively integrated marine sectors and relatively integrated coastal sectors and connecting them into a single whole. A hierarchical approach is key to transboundary marine basins. I propose the following techniques: geographical zoning, identification of an area and basin-specific combinations of natural resources, geoinformation modelling, and forecast analysis for different activities and relevant spatial elements of aquaterritorial structures.
Baklanov ...
An analysis of sinusoidal waves in two-layer liquid
A detailed analysis of sinusoidal waves in two-layer liquid is made. The dispersion relations for short and long waves are studied. The success was helped significantly by a technique created by us.
1. Сретенский Л. Н. Теория волновых движений идеальной жидкости. М., 1977.
2. Каменкович В. М. О нормальных колебаниях многослойной ...
Conceptual characteristics of procedural units of thinking
This article develops a theory of the structure of operational and functional components of the thinking process: the problems of analysing procedural units of thinking are formulated; the content of the “method of thinking” and “technique of thinking” concepts are given a precise definition. The author analyses the content and relational characteristics of procedural units of different types.
1. Гальперин П. Я. Психология как объективная ...
The background knowledge as a language indicator of the intentional manipulative proposition
The article deals with the problem of language manipulation by the recipient’s perception with the help of the background knowledge. The special
emphasis is given to the description of the manipulative technique. The research is based on the texts of Russian and American political discourse.
1. Владиславова Н. Базовые техники NLP и хорошо сформированный результат. М., 2012.
2. Гюббенет ...
Social advertising in the modern communicative space: the experience of the Kaliningrad region
... number of issues relating to its efficiency and impact on the audience. The author focuses on the current problems faced by social advertising in the Kaliningrad region and demonstrates a lack of variety in topics, as well as a limited range of the techniques applied. The paper tackles the problem of identifying the quality level of advertisements addressing various social needs.
1. Николайшвили Г. Г. Социальная реклама: теория и практика. М., 2008....
The avoidance of investigative errors when interrogating women
... криминалистические чтения. Вып. 7. Воронеж, 2006.
13. Рябоконь В. В. Следственные ошибки и пути их устранения. М. 1997.
Osipova Ye., Makoveeva A., Krasnov Ye.
typical investigative errors, tactical techniques of interrogating women, gender approach to interrogation techniques
Competence approach to professional training of master students at technical universities
This article discusses the pedagogical system of formation of universal and professional competences in master students of technical fields of study. Special attention is paid to the development and implementation of the techniques of forming the activity component of professional competence.
государственный образовательный стандарт высшего профессионального образования ...
The reparative treatment of the wounded and injured with multisystem injuries to the tendons and nerves of the upper extremity
... describes the frequency, structure, and extent of injuries to tendons and nerves on the basis of 400 cases. The article offers an analysis of the efficiency of pre-hospital surgical interventions. The statistical data obtained favour high-precision techniques of tendon and nerve treatment over the traditional ones. The author achieved relatively high positive results of treatment — 88,8 % of
patients were able to return to work.
Абрамян А.
Комплексное лечение ...