Speech aggression as a means of preserving and promoting the Neo-pagan worldview: the case of Rodnoverie
The role of verbal aggression in the promotion of specific value-regulatory systems, particularly those of a religious nature, has not been extensively explored in contemporary scholarship. This study aims to investigate the mechanisms by which verbal aggression is ...
Socio-psychological factors provoking aggression in adolescents
The article considers a wide range of socio-psychological factors leading to aggression of various degrees among adolescents. This research aims to study and compare the degree of aggression caused by socio-psychological factors among adolescents aged 12—16. The study group included 109 teenagers of 12—16 age group — 60 ...
Speech representation of the category of authorship in modern Serbian journalism
... topical events in the life of Serbia’s domestic policy, in particular to the events of the election race and the results of the presidential elections in 2017. Particular attention is drawn to the ways of representing this category through the aggression in the authors’ speech. The purpose of the study is to determine the vector of modernization of the authorship category in Serbian journalism, due to the prevailing public mood in connection with the political situation in the Balkans. The ...
Social attitudes as a factor of delinquent behaviour in the underage
... descriptors when speaking of her is correlated with growing negativisation of all social relationships of a personality. It is stressed that parent-child relationships characterised by inconsis-tence and propensity to conflict contribute to the development of aggression in a child as a means to resolve interpersonal conflicts.
1. Андреева Г. М. Социальная психология. М., 1988.
2. Аронсон Э., Уилсон Т., Эйкерт Р. Социальная психология....
Formal terms of reproach in Russian discourse
.... [BAS = Dictionary of the modern Russian literary language: in 17 volumes.]. Vol. 4. Moscow (in Russ.).
Vlasova, E. V., 2005. Rechevaya agressiya v pechatnykh SMI (na materiale nemetsko- i russkoyazychnykh gazet 30-kh i 90-kh gg. KhKh veka) [Speech aggression in the print media (based on German and Russian-language newspapers of the 30s and 90s of the 20th century)]. Ph. D. Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky (in Russ.).
Vorontsova, T. А., 2006. Rechevaya agressiya: kommunikativno-diskursivnyi ...
Speech behaviour of Internet users in conflict communication
This article explores the expression of impoliteness of Internet users in confrontational threads. This approach involves the identification of speech aggression markers typical of a certain type of discourse. This makes it possible to define the roles and attitudes of participants in the conflict interaction. The authors employed methods of discourse analysis and corpus tools of data collection and ...
The criminological and psychological profile of persons sentenced to restriction of freedom
... restriction of freedom either do not reject the commonly accepted norms, values, and behavior patterns or demonstrate the medium degree of rejection. This category of convicted persons shows either low or medium degree of readiness for delinquent behavior and aggression. In most cases, those sentenced to restriction of liberty are able to control the behavioral manifestations of emotional reactions.
1. Красненкова С. А. Социально-психологический паспорт личности ...