IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2013 Issue №6

The history of opposition between formal and dialectical logic in Russian philosophy


This article shows that the opposition between formal and dialectical logic first emerged within Hegel’s dialectical logic. The article shows that in the framework of the division of time into «now» and «not now», the incorrect formal logical description of dialectical opposition disappears. The author comes to a generalised conclusion: the rejection of language description of dialectical opposition as a true conjunctive proposition of the A ¬A type marks the end of opposition between formal and dialectical logic in Russian philosophy.

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The problem of defining religion in the history of philosophy and religious studies


This article analyses the most widespread definitions of religion. The author maintains that, since all essential definitions of religion are unscientific, whereas the descriptive ones contain logical fallacies, religion must be defined through functional analysis and studying its interactions with other elements of culture.

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Contemporary society as a post-industrial and technogenic one


This article focuses on contemporary society, which, in accordance with D. Bell’s concept, is post-industrial (and information) one. The author draws attention to Bell’s serious mistakes in the development of the concept – the use of only sociological and economic analysis and disregard of social philosophy. The author offers a scientific and philosophical substantiation of the technogenic development of society and the world, its crisis condition, and presents the evidence as to why contemporary society is a post-industrial and technogenic one.

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Identity in the conditions of globalisation and regionalisation


This article considers the influence of globalisation processes on the development of the crisis of historical and ethnocultural identity and describes the factors affecting the ethnocultural identity transformation. The author analyses how globalisation results in both the blurring of ethnocultural identity and the intensification of regionalisation processes.

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