IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2010 Issue №6

Political interests in the context of political diversity in the Russian Federation


This article addresses the problem of the realisation of political interests in the Russian Federation in the context of political diversity stipulated in the Constitution. The author distinguishes the social groups of political process actors, analyses their current state, and formulates the problems and possibilities of the realisation of their political interests.

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Key features of organisational leadership in governmental executive bodies


This article analyses the problems of organizational leadership in executive bodies. The author considers leadership-based management on the basis of the reforming leadership concept and establishes the dependence of factors defining the category of leadership on the status characteristics of the agent and object of management.

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The open method of coordination as a new form of governance: features, characteristics, prospects of application


This article is dedicated to the new form of governance — the open method of coordination — in the EU system of governance. This method is considered in the framework of the ‘new governance’ approach as opposed to the Community Method. The author justifies new modes of governance, offers their key characteristics and outlines their possible ways of development.

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The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: Optimistic future!


Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the relations within the USA-USSRChina triangle had strong influence on the whole system of international relations. The turnaround in Russian-Chinese relations from sharp confrontation in the Soviet era to current rapprochement, which started to take shape after the collapse of the Soviet Union, became a significant factor in world politics. The gradual strengthening of ties between Beijing and Moscow stood out against the background of tensions
in Russian-American and Chinese-American relations at the end of George W. Bush presidency. However, as President Obama came to office, it became evident that the US seeks to adjust its foreign policy towards more pragmatism and flexibility in its relations with Russia and China.

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The problem of empirical data validity in qualitative research


A study on the problems of social family-genetic memory may contain various mistakes made by senior respondents when recalling events of the past. The analysis of empirical data should take into account such memory-related mistakes. The interpretation of empirical data requires a special approach.

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The content and vectors of the reforms in the higher education system of modern China


This article presents the results of research on the reforming of higher education system in modern China.The article aims to analyse the institution of public higher education in order to develop guidelines on employing the positive Chinese experience in the modernization of higher education in Russia. In conclusion, the author offers multiple-factor models of the education process management.

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