IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2023 Issue №3

Initiative as a type of document


The article is dedicated to identifying factors that determine the documental specificity of an initiative. An initiative is characterized as a document aimed at engaging the addressee in solving a socially significant issue and convincing them of the necessity of societal changes.

The analysis of the text is conducted using a genre-based approach and the parameteriza­tion methodology based on the concept of a "genre model," allowing for a comprehensive de­scription that takes into account parameters determined by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors. The specificity of the analysis model concerning documental text is noted, along with the multivector and multilevel nature of relationships among its parameters, such as "com­mu­nication subjects" ("sender" and "receiver"), "function," "information," "modality," "struc­ture," "space," and "time."

Three levels of hierarchy of parameters are distinguished, determining their significance as genre-forming elements. It is established that the features of first-level parameters, such as the collectivity of the sender and the dual nature of the receiver, the unity of initiative func­tions in informing and influencing, determine the specificity of second-level parameters — the heterogeneous modality and unregulated structure of the text; third-level parameters — "space" and "time" — are expressed by individual attributes and are not significant for this type of document.

The means of speech representation of the main genre-forming parameters, such as "communication subjects" ("sender" and "receiver"), "function," "information," "modali­ty," and "structure," are characterized.

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Microtoponym of the Smolensk-Belarusian border region (Rudnyansky district)


The features of toponymy in the Smolensk-Belarusian borderland are examined based on microtoponyms and unofficial toponyms in the Rudnya district of the Smolensk region. The material obtained through a survey of local residents is analyzed from various perspectives using selected classifications (based on nomination objects, lexical-semantic classes, structu­ral and word-formation types). Names with dialectical foundations are singled out separately. Emphasis is placed on the role of unofficial names for geographical objects in the speech of the region's residents. Common Russian traits and specific characteristics of borderland topony­my are identified.

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Language indicators of confrontational speech strategies used in everyday marital discourse


The article examines the features of representing the confrontational speech strategy of discreditation, used in everyday communication, particularly in marital discourse. The goal of the research is to identify the speech tactics employed in domestic communication between spouses for the purpose of discrediting and weakening the communicative position of the communication partner. To achieve the research goal, descriptive method, method of compo­nent analysis, observation and interpretation method, intent analysis, and discourse analysis were applied. Linguistic indicators expressing the confrontational speech strategy were stud­ied at all levels of the language system — semantic, lexical, lexico-grammatical, syntactic, as well as at the pragmatic one, taking into account the communication situation. Dialogues between spouse characters in the poem "Dialogue at the Television" by V. S. Vysotsky served as material for observation, representing a vivid example of role lyrics.

The research established that the discreditation strategy is implemented through speech tactics of threat, accusation, reproach, request, appeals to authority, and appeals to precedent. The analysis resulted in the identification of typical linguistic indicators that shape specific confrontational speech tactics.

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Peculiarities of Gogol’s ironic narrative


The author identifies the features of ironic narration in general and the narrative of a lit­erary work in particular. The main characteristics of irony as an independent textual catego­ry, encompassing hidden authorial evaluation, have been established. Based on the analysis of N. V. Gogol's works, it is concluded that the ironic narrative of the writer is built on mecha­nisms that generate contradiction in various contexts. Gogol's irony serves as an indicator of the author's transition from the direct presentation of events to their evaluation and is mani­fested through a range of lexical, syntactic, phraseological, and textual devices, which act as markers of semantic dissonance in the content of one or several passages.

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Linguopoetics of A.P. Chekhov: ensemble of artistic details. Part 1


The universally recognized position in both Russian and global Chekhov studies is that the artistic detail, as a linguistic-poetic device, micro-image, a means of conveying factu­al/con­ceptual/subtextual information, is a particularly significant feature of Chekhov's idio­lect. The aim of this article is to identify and describe the linguistic-poetic techniques of intro­ducing details into the text, their actualization or elimination, the evolution of meanings, and the functions of illustrative details. The analysis is conducted on the material of Chekhov's story "The Teacher of Literature." The main focus of the study is the linguistics of creating an ensemble of external and psychological details, symbolic details, and transposing details in each of the two narrative blocks of the story. Special attention is given to the analysis of the formation and functioning of transposing details, i. e., details in their contextually condi­tioned semantic and functional evolution. The application of a comprehensive research meth­odology, combining functional-semantic, contextual, and interpretational types of analysis, allows for the conclusion about the dominant role of diverse artistic details in shaping and explicating the content-conceptual information of Chekhov's story "The Teacher of Litera­ture."

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