Initiative as a type of document
The article is dedicated to identifying factors that determine the documental specificity of an initiative. An initiative is characterized as a document aimed at engaging the addressee in solving a socially significant issue and convincing them of the necessity of societal changes.
The analysis of the text is conducted using a genre-based approach ...
Exploration and development of classical pedagogical heritage: on the problem of terminology (on the basis of A. S. Makarenko's oeuvre)
... the specific features of processes of exploration and development of classical pedagogical heritage on the basis of history of development of A. S. Makarenko's heritage as a social pedagogue-reformer in the context of description of social pedagogical initiative and formal pedagogy. The author emphasises the parallelism of the two factors, their non-linear and cyclic character, interdependence and interaction within the processes of exploration and development of A. S. Makarenko’s heritage in Soviet ...
Cluster policy as a mechanism to increase regional competitiveness
... Regional Clusters: What we know and what we should know // Paper prepared for the Kiel Institute International Workshop on Innovation Clusters and Interregional Competition, 2002. P. 18.
8. Sölvell Ö., Lindqvist G., Ketels C. The Cluster Initiative Greenbook. URL:
9. Сайт подкомитета ТПП РФ по развитию субконтрактации и кластерных технологий. URL: