This article examines the typological features of the modern Russian education terminology. Currently, there is a large number of linguistic research works on educational discourse, but most of them focus on the analysis of its individual aspects, thereby leaving out the description of the terminological system of Russian education that is dynamically developing in the recent period. The purpose of this study is to build a systemic classification of the terminological vocabulary of modern education, which includes terminological units of different types. The research relies on modeling techniques, as well as descriptive and contextual analyses. The paper shows that the terminological units in the studied terminological system are heterogeneous and differ in the level of terminology (actually terms, pre-terms, terminoids, nomens, professionalisms and professional jargon), formal structure (individual lexemes and phrases), chronological status (outdated, modern and new term units), part-of-speech attribution (nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs), semantic features (mono-lexeme and poly-lexeme units), the level of motivation (fully / partially motivated and unmotivated terms) and mastery (mastered and undeveloped signs) in the system of the Russian language. It was noticed that the terminology of Russian education in the modern era is actively replenished with terms from the areas not previously associated with the studied thematic area (computer, economic, scientific and technical, medical, etc.). Analysis of the latest special lexicographic sources revealed that some new terms of education can receive ambiguous interpretations in dictionary entries, demonstrating the incompleteness of the process of forming the subsystem in question. The author comes to some certain conclusion about the conditionality of the terminological system of modern Russian education by the specifics of the subject-thematic area, the rapid pace of its development, as well as the openness of its borders to elements of other terminological systems.