IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2020 Issue №3

Socio-psychological factors provoking aggression in adoles­cents


The article considers a wide range of socio-psychological factors leading to aggression of various degrees among adolescents. This research aims to study and compare the degree of aggression caused by socio-psychological fac­tors among adolescents aged 12—16. The study group included 109 teenagers of 12—16 age group — 60 girls and 49 boys who live in Zhytomyr. The re­search relied on the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ) and the questionnaire Direction of Aggression in Adolescents, which was designed by E. K. Ageenkova, M. V. Tarasova and P. M. Larionov. The study analysed gender aspects of aggression and the focus of aggression among adolescents in connection with frustrating factors that occur in school environment, family, in their relations with peers, their social environment, as well as adolescents’ perception of themselves. It was found that the highest aggression among ado­lescents is caused by psychological pressure exerted on them, violation of per­sonal integrity and lack of personality recognition. Teenagers are acutely aware of the injustice they see in the world, combined with the insensitive and inhumane attitudes of some people. Aggression in adolescents in most cases is a reaction to adverse social conditions for which not only adolescents but adults are responsible.

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Sensory fatigue as a functional condition in people with disability


The article explores the theoretical aspects of sensory fatigue as a func­tional state in people with disabilities. The study focuses on the types and forms of sensory fatigue, triggers causing this condition, switch-on mecha­nisms, the development of this condition in people with disabilities of different nosological groups, its symptoms and consequences. Sensory fatigue is a con­dition, which in itself is not a disease and does not require treatment. Howev­er, in people with poor health, it can be considered as a symptom of a health disorder. The review of literature on sensory fatigue allows us to identify methods for the study of its qualitative and quantitative characteristics, as well as to develop psychological and pedagogical methods and approaches to reducing it in people with health conditions.

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Operational thinking in the structure of the diagnostic thinking of a modern teacher-psychologist


Diagnostic thinking is a vital professional component of many occupations, in particular, of a teacher-psychologist. The purpose of the study was to identify the place and role of various mental operations in the structure of diagnostic search carried out by a teacher-psychologist. The article explores cognitive operations used by a teacher-psychologist within the framework of a diagnostic algorithm. These operations are differentiated for various stages of diagnosis; their priorities are established. It is determined which operations are most important for each of the stages of the diagnostic algorithm. Mental operations (such as analysis, synthesis, analogy, generalization, comparison, etc.) are important for the diagnostic process and can be necessary components of diagnostic thinking. Comprehensive professional operational thinking of a teacher-psychologist is the basis of successful diagnostic activities. As for successful professional diagnostics, a teacher-psychologist also needs a system of categorical models of the diagnosable, the ability to analyze their diagnostic errors and ideas about categorical models of typical diagnostic errors. Special training in diagnostic thinking, in particular, the development of mental operations, which are necessary for teachers-psychologists to carry out effective diagnostics, is an essential component of their training and will increase the efficiency of their professional performance.

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