Socio-psychological factors provoking aggression in adolescents
The article considers a wide range of socio-psychological factors leading to aggression of various degrees among adolescents. This research aims to study and compare the degree of aggression caused by socio-psychological factors among adolescents aged 12—16. The study group included 109 teenagers of 12—16 age group — 60 girls and 49 boys who live in Zhytomyr....
Individual patterns of social contact network development in adolescents
This article focuses on the interconnection between the individual and typological characteristics of an individual and the features of adolescent social contact networks. It is shown that adolescents with a high level of hostility, expressed perfectionist attitudes, low self-esteem, and insufficient perceived self-efficacy have smaller and poorly differentiated social contacts networks....
Parental support and psychological health of children and adolescents
This article describes the features of parental support as a socio-psychological phenomenon and its relation to psychosomatic health (depression, anxiety, and somatization) in children and adolescents. The author presents a probability structural- functional model of parental support covering its content, components, and functions. Congruity, accessibility, and complementarity are suggested as efficiency criteria.
1. Холмогорова ...
Personal determinants of somatic reactions in adolescents
The author discusses personal traits of adolescents and the development of somatic reactions. The author confirms numerous survey data concerning the association of dysfunctional personal characteristics and the severity of somatic symptoms in the adolescent population. Multiple regression ...
Social study of psychoavtive substance abuse in the Baltic region state: The Russian component of the international study
.... Alcohol in the European Union. Consumption, harm and policy approaches. URL: (дата обращения: 10.07.2014).
7. Hill KG, White HR, Chung I-J. Early adult outcomes of adolescent binge drin¬king: person- and variable-centred analyses of binge drinking trajectories // Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2000. № 24. Р. 892—901.
8. Leifman H., Sundelin M., Raninen A. General recommendations on community ...