This article examines speech aspects of a strategic planning document — the Development Concept — and identifies factors determining its specifics. The text of the Concept is analysed using the communicative-genre approach, often employed in recent research works. This approach produces an integrated picture that takes into account parameters affected by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors. The article describes speech representations of the key genre elements. These are the communicative goal, the image of the author and the addressee, the image of the past and the future, the content of the dictum, the language of a genre, and relevant means of speech representation. The authors conclude that the informative-explanatory function, which is central to the Development Concept, necessitates the use of certain genre elements and relevant language. There is a connection between informativeness and such genre elements as the communicative goal, the image of the author, the image of the addressee, and the content of the dictum. The explanatory function correlates with the composition and content structure, which is shaped by the genre elements of the image of the past and the image of the future. The article shows that the communicative-genre approach can be employed in examining the speech structure of texts fulfilling different functions. This will make it possible to describe the system of linguistic means used in such texts and to ensure efficient business communication.