Reminiscences of Russian culture in A. S. Byatt’s novel The Children’s Book
... mythologization and demythologization of the image of Russia, and stresses the fact, that the fictional (Tatarinov) and real (Stepnyak, Kropotkin) images of Russian anarchists are given in the perception of the British. The author comes to the conclusion that the reminiscences of Russian culture do not so much support the national myth as they reveal the state of European culture on the eve of the First World War. The author focuses on the references to the Russian tomb (Raca or reliquary) at the beginning of ...
The archetypal space of the palace in E. Zola’s novel «The Ladiesʼ Paradise»
... makes it possible to free the study of the text from the need to take into account polemic statements and aesthetic manifests of the authors. Besides, this approach gives an opportunity to analyze the text as such and to distinguish between historical reminiscences and allusions and archetypical models, as well as between current influences and generally valid archetypes. Special attention is given to the image of the Palace and to its spatial model, which works in the novel as a specific meaning-generating ...
Explication of autobiographical memories in Herman Hesse’s short stories
... // Ibid. S. 233—282.
13. Hesse H. Eugen Siegel // Ibid. S. 56—64.
14. Karell V., Keh H. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur. Bamberg, 1974.
Bondareva L. M.
autobiographical component, autobiographical texts, reconstruction of the past, memory, reminiscence, obliviscence, metaphor, lexical and grammatical means
Borrowed speech in a written text
... Философия и социология гуманитарных наук. СПб., 1995.
3. Отин Е. С. Избранные работы. Донецк, 1997.
Lomov A.
borrowed speech, citation, direct speech, free indirect speech, indirect speech, reminiscence.
The ironic discourse in the works of V. Pyetsukh
... (дата обращения: 12.12.2013).
14. Шенкман Я. Добро должно быть с прибабахом // Новый мир. 2006.№ 12.
literary studies, postmodernism, V. Pyetsukh, reminiscences, irony, text, author’s impact, history, Russian national character.
Likhina N.