IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2016 Issue №2

Organization of professional in-service training for inclusive education


The author analyses the theory and practice of training pathologists. The experience of Blagoveshchensk Pedagogical University in the implementation of in-service training programmes for teachers, health care professionals and heads of medical-pedagogical commissions is analysed. The author assesses the efficiency of professional training provided by networks of education, health, and social care institutions. Networking and information technologies helped to create tailor-made education programmes of primary and secondary education for students with various disabilities. The author also describes a package of documents reflecting the development dynamics of children with disabilities in educational institutions practicing inclusive education.

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Innovations in higher education


The article presents the results of the analysis of research on problems of development of innovative activity of teachers in the University. It discusses the involvement of teachers in innovative activity as a purposeful process of overcoming innovation barriers. Selected subjective and objective factors of innovative activity of University lecturers — innovative potential of the teacher and innovative environment of the University – are also discussed.

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Mediation models in education


The article analyzes the possibility of using classical, transformative, narrative, ecosystem, facilitative and valuation models of mediation in terms of the educational institution, described the role of mediator teacher in each of the described models. The analysis of the application of these models in teaching shows considerable differences in goals and objectives of mediation, as well as the functions of the teacher, playing the role of mediator.

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