The features of teacher professional training in Finland
An overview of the distinctive features of teacher training in Finland, which has had high international student assessment scores for more than 20 years, is presented. The authors adapted the interdisciplinary method of PEST analysis to identify the political, economic, and social aspects of ...
Features of professional teacher training: Singapore experience
The article presents an analysis of the features of teacher training in Singapore, a country that has high international acclaim for the achievements of schoolchildren. The goals of pedagogical education focus on social values and ethical principles, while technologies and methods are aimed at pedagogical ...
Operational thinking in the structure of the diagnostic thinking of a modern teacher-psychologist
Diagnostic thinking is a vital professional component of many occupations, in particular, of a teacher-psychologist. The purpose of the study was to identify the place and role of various mental operations in the structure of diagnostic search carried out by a teacher-psychologist. The article explores cognitive operations used by a teacher-psychologist within the framework of a diagnostic algorithm. These operations are differentiated for various stages of diagnosis; their priorities are established...
An empirical study of trust between the agents of educational space in Russia and Poland
This work focuses on trust between the agents of educational space at Ka-liningrad school No. 32 and the Gdansk Gedanensis School. The authors identify the patterns of assessing students trust in teachers at all stages of school education. The article analyses the level of adolescents’ trust in teachers and parents at the Kaliningrad and Polish schools. The features of assessing the Polish and Russian teachers’ trust in students and parents ...
The teacher’s interest as a phenomenon and concept
This article stresses that the teacher’s interest as a phenomenon is a unity of both the objective, which - being the meaningful component – serves as the focus of attention, and the subjective, which reveals the teacher’s motives for ducation and training activities. As a concept,...
Teacher training for the formation of functional literacy in primary school: the problem of individualisation
... as one of the intended outcomes for elementary school. Achieving this educational result is possible by engaging with the student in both the current developmental zone and the zone of proximal development. Such work, which requires preparing future teachers for this specific professional activity, can be organised through individualised interaction between the teacher and pupils. This study aims to examine the problem of individualisation in response to the need to individualise primary school pupils’ ...
A teacher’s career in public education: problems, trends, and conflicts
This article considers career advancement opportunities of teaching staff in the framework of the Education national project. The role of the teacher and an innovative vision of the teacher’s professional competency are analysed. The stages of teaching career are identified and described alongside conditions for career advancement and movement up and along the career ladder.
1. Аврамкова ...
The theoretical framework a teacher’s cross-cultural compe-tence: International practice
This article is devoted to the important theoretical issues of cross-cultural competence. Particular attention is paid to the UK education system as one of the oldest structures in the world. Based on an analysis of a teacher’s cross-cultural experience at Durham University and the University of Manchester, as well as different approaches of Russian and international educationists, it is shown that cross-cultural competence is an integral part of the professional ...
The problem of training a teacher to maintain Federal State Educational Standard in basic education
This article analyzes a number of studies concerned with training teachers for meeting the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) and presents a system of interconnected components identifying a teacher’s readiness to introduce new standards. Special attention is paid to diagnosing a teacher’s ...
The metaphor as a means of psychological intervention in training teachers
Based on his own experience, the author stresses the considerable poten-tial of metaphor in increasing the level of self-consciousness of teachers at a special psychological training. The article explores the significance of the met-aphor for the humanities (psychology) and exact sciences (mathematics). Since each person is characterised by their own unique individual semantic space elements,...
The development of inclusive preparedness of future teachers: The efficiency of the didactic model
This article presents the results of an experimental study in the development of inclusive preparedness of future university teachers. This process of preparedness development is based on a didactic model implemented using the pedagogical metasubject competence and context-based technology. The author gives an overview of this technology and the mechanisms of its imple-mentation....
Integrated Information Environment of Professional Training at Teacher Training Higher Education Institutions under the Conditions of Teacher Training Higher Education Transformation
The author argues that the situation in the system of higher teacher education is actually better than it is presented in the media. The integrated information environment development is expected to trigger the increase in the competitiveness of future teachers and to facilitate studying related disciplines.
Interpretation of musical pedagogic processes as artistic and creative activity of a teacher-musician
The article analyses different approaches to research on the specificity and principles of the interpretation of professional (musical) and pedagogical activity of a teacher-musician and offers an original research approach applied to the problem of preparation a teacher-musician to artistic and creative activity.
Корыхалова Н.
Интерпретация музыки. Л., 1979.
Гуренко Е.
Исполнительское искусство: методологические проблемы: учеб. пособие. Новосибирск, 1985.
Критский Б.
Formation of the future teachers’ readiness to form social interaction abilities in preschool children
The article describes an authentic model of the formation of future teachers’ readiness to facilitate the development of social interaction skills in preschool children. The proposed model meets the requirements of the current standards of professional education. The author describes the essence of the model focused ...
Mediation models in education
The article analyzes the possibility of using classical, transformative, narrative, ecosystem, facilitative and valuation models of mediation in terms of the educational institution, described the role of mediator teacher in each of the described models. The analysis of the application of these models in teaching shows considerable differences in goals and objectives of mediation, as well as the functions of the teacher, playing the role of mediator.
1. Базовый ...
Training future teachers to perform grading
... skills in future teach-ers. The author presents key interpretations of the notion of ‘grading’. The principles, functions, and types of grading are considered. The author’s ap-proach to developing an algorithm of grading performance of future teachers at a seminar is proposed.
1. Батурин Н. А. Проблема оценивания и оценки в общей психологии // Вопросы психологии. 1988. № 2. С. 81—90.
2. Бойко Т. В. Управление ...
The aptitude of university academic staff for managing social and legal activities of students
... and theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of social and legal activity per se, as well as the process of managing its manifestations at educational institutions. The authors analyze the results of a study into the aptitude of federal university teachers for managing social and legal activity of students. The data obtained can be used for increasing teachers’ qualification.
1. Гафурова Н. В., Бугаева Т. П. Воспитательный процесс в вузе как система ...
New integration practices of mathematics education into university digital educational environment for pre-service teacher training
... integration in the teaching of modules and disciplines in the mathematical and information cycles under the conditions of digitization of mathematical education are presented. These directions open up new possibilities in the preparation of future mathematics teachers who are in demand in the labor market. The authors attempted to analyze the potential of disciplines in the mathematical and information cycles in the context of interdisciplinary integration in the field of mathematical education. Three ...
Non-traditional organisation of training in improving the quality of pedagogical education
... characteristic features of novel approaches to the organization of professional training of university students majoring in pedagogy. Special attention is paid to the contribution of pedagogical disciplines to the professional development of future teachers. The author describes a new module, ‘A dialogue through time with prominent educationalists’, which is part of the ‘History of Pedagogy’ course.
1. Абасов З. А. Нетрадиционные уроки как педагогическая ...
The scope of ethical-pedagogical activity of a teacher
... этика. М.: Республика, 1993.
энциклопед. словарь / под ред. Р.
Г. Апресяна, А.
А. Гусейнова. М.: Гардарики, 2001.
Bezdukhov A.
ethics, pedagogy, activity, teacher, the good, existence, the due.
The methodological competence of a university teacher
Сластенин В.
А., Подымова Л.
Педагогика: инновационная деятельность. М.: ИЧП Издательство Магистр, 1997.
Solovova N.
methodology, methodological competence of a university teacher, higher education system, quality of education.
The project “Open Mic ‘It’s normal!’” in the prevention of professional burnout of teachers of correctional institutions
Popova D.A., Salakhova A.A., Ponomareva D.E., Kozycheva O.S., Myasnikova A.K.
project, emotional burnout, special education, correctional teachers, mental health, event, teacher support