IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2016 Issue №2

The genesis of the subject in syntax as a manifestation of verbal and logical thinking


Theoretical postulates about the types of grammatical sentences are analysed and compared in reference to the history of thinking put forward by Losev and “the theory of three areals” by G. Guillaume, according to which in-phrasal and out-phrasal morphologies are identified. The process of cognitive evolution of thinking is studied diachronically: from mythological thinking to verbal-logical thinking that is entirely manifested in the nominal structure and in the formation of the category of subject in syntax (subject formation). The influence of outer factors on the thinking type, which is implemented in certain grammar structure, is also considered. The conclusion is: cognitive-informational characteristics of phylogenic “primary” archaic thinking of people is mainly imaginative, right-brain thinking.

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Language specificity of Franz Kafka’s non-fiction texts


The characteristic features of non-fictional texts by F. Kafka are studied on the material of the author’s diaristic and epistolary texts, which manifest his linguistic personality. The epistolary texts are analysed in reference to the addressee and their relationship with the author. Special attention is paid to the functional specificity of the parable as a genre and the absurd character of the author’s narration.

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Phraseologisms with the кот/katė component in the Russian and Lithuanian language pictures of the world


This article is devoted to the investigation of semantics of Russian and Lithuanian zoonym phraseology with the кот/katė component. Its semantic and structural systematization is carried out, linguocultural peculiarities of phraseological units containing the кот/katė component in the world view of Russian and Lithuanian native speakers are revealed.

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