Narrative in structure of genre: A.I. Kuprin’s “Four beggars” ..... 15 Babenko N.G., Koreshkova E.K. Functional analysis of the linguistic reflection in Evgeny Vodolazkin’s “Justification of the Island”
... philological interpretation. A. I. Kuprin’s “Four beggars” is defined by the author as a legend, though this is not the only genre structure where the narrative is developed by the author. Significant influence here is the narrative strategies of the parable and the novella, transforming the genre structure of the legend. The genre identifiers of the legend are found in the title complex and the plot structure, objectifying the precedent picture of the world, however, the components of the imperative ...
“The Forgotten stories” by Hans Christian Andersen in the context of his creative evolution
... refuse to publish completed texts. “The Forgotten Stories” become the source for analyzing the writer’s creative manner and his work on expressing historical, moral, political, philosophical and religious meanings in such genres as fairy tale, parable, allegory.
Dorofeeva L.G.
foreign literature, Andersen, genre, fairy tale, parable, allegory, evolution of creativity, poetics
Language specificity of Franz Kafka’s non-fiction texts
... author’s diaristic and epistolary texts, which manifest his linguistic personality. The epistolary texts are analysed in reference to the addressee and their relationship with the author. Special attention is paid to the functional specificity of the parable as a genre and the absurd character of the author’s narration.
1. Бабенко Н. С. О лингвистическом смысле разграничения текстов на жанры // Лексика и стиль. Тверь, 1993....
The philosophy of the text as texts of philosophy
... in this reality. In this interpretation, being in itself appears as a text. Philosophizing as such is realized in various forms of textualization, which are the focus of this article. Verbal textualization (single words, paremia, aphoristics, parables, detailed plots, hermeneutic interpretations, conceptual systems) does not exclude visual, activity-driven textualizations and their mutual translations. Philosophy is capable of taking on diverse, dissimilar forms. It is as diversified as ...
The image of the pilot in the eschatological vision «The Great Divorce» K. S. Lewis
(дата обращения: 01.05.2020).
18. Tolkien J. R. R. The letters of J. R. R. Tolkien ed. by H. Carpenter with the assistance of Ch. Tolkien. Georg Allen & Unwin, 1981.
Kosinskaya A. S.
C. S. Lewis, George MacDonald, a parable, eschatological vision, narrator, the main character, Dante, the image of the guide, friendship
Fairy tales as a psychotherapeutic method to develop resilience in students with special needs
This article addresses the use of fairy tale technique in psychotherapy used to develop resilience as a personal psychological trait in students with special needs. Using parables as literary references, the authors describe the process of producing mottos through semantic compression. Special attention is paid to techniques of identifying keywords and tacking questions. These techniques help to develop stable psychological ...