The content of practicum for bachelors and masters of education
AbstractToday’s graduates of pedagogical faculties often exhibit little interest in a career in education and unwillingness to work at school. An effective solution to this problem is the formation of successful pedagogical experience in future teachers at university, in particular, in the course of practicum. The study sets out to identify the role of practicum in the professional training of future teachers as well as the content of all types of practica in the continuous training of a teacher of informatics within bachelor’s and master’s programmes. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the justification of the content of all types of practica from the perspective of the praxeological approach – theory of successful activities. The practical significance lies in that the presented integrated system of practicum content, which includes the goal, means, content, and results of each practicum stage, can be used in developing practica for other university programmes. As a methodological framework for organising pedagogical practica, the study uses the praxeological approach, which ensures the openness, integrity, and high efficiency of the practicum as well as positive motivation for teaching. It also facilitates the development of a creative type of professional behaviour. Special attention to the content and technology of organising practica results in successful teaching experience of university students.