Paradoxes of Legal Procedure in Mr. K’s Complaint to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the Defense of Pension Rights of a Serviceman
The author studies some specific legal paradoxes in the implementation of the legislation on status of militaries in the concrete case of the military pensioner K. who served relevant period but did not get the right to obtain pension. The application to The Constitutional Court of Russian Federation and some aspects of the judgment of the Court are analyzed....
Family, duty, and honour in the First World War: Problems of the everyday life of the German military elite
This article describes different aspects of the everyday life of the German military elite during World War I. The author stresses the effect of protracted hostilities on professional high-ranking officers in view of their age, special social standards, and family relations. Special attention is paid to a new little-studied area of research.
1. Деметр К. Германский офицерский корпус. М., 2007.
2. Ланник Л. В. Германская военная элита периода Великой войны и революции и «русский след» в ее развитии...