IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2015 Issue №5

Aesthetic sensitivity as a fundamental of the modelling the creative development process in children aged 2-5 years


This article provides an overview of the integrated model for developing creativity in children aged 2—5 years based on the principle of upward spiral dynamics. The role of aesthetic sensitivity as the principal structural compo-nent of the mode is analysed from the perspective of cultural and historical psychology and cognitive science.

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A comparative analysis of terminology of inclusive education


This article examines the terms used to denote the category of persons with mental and physical impairments in the legal, psychological, and pedagogical literature. The author addresses the impact of the uses of these terms on the public perception of this social category. An attempt is made to classify the notions relating to persons with mental and physical defects in accordance with the conceptual – medical and social – models of disability:.

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The attempts of founding of the Russian Idea as a Russian nation specific component of intercultural communication


The article reviews the foundation and development of the concept of the Russian Idea in the Russian philosophical and social thinking, its main definitions, content, as well as critics. The significance of development of national identity and cultural self-determination for effective intercultural communi-cation is pointed out. Besides, the role of the Russian Idea as a Russian nation specific component, forming the national identity, when dealing with intercul-tural communication practices is discussed.

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