The development of the notion of ‘thesaurus’ in Russian pedagogical science
This article considers the key lines of historical and pedagogical research on the notion of thesaurus in science, including that within Russian pedagogy. The author focuses on the problems of interpreting the notion of thesaurus and the key stages of its development
1. Белянин В. П. Основы психолингвистической ...
Associative-semantic network principle of human mental thesaurus organization
... to analyze the outcomes of the celebrated experiment Violin, expressing the structure of associative-semantic links in human brain. Based upon evidence gained from objective neurophysiological methods, certain dictionary articles of the Associative Thesaurus of the Russian Language have thus been analyzed. A comparative analysis of behavioral experiments is offered based on which associative dictionaries have been compiled-alongside with objective experiments of the data of natural sciences. Concomitantly,...
Non-professional physical training. Factors of students’ sports thesaurus formation
The article deals with the factors influencing the formation of students’ sports thesaurus in the course of non-professional physical training.
Соловьев Г.
Формирование физической культуры личности студента в ракурсе современных образовательных ...
Building a model of terminological fields on an example of the “Pelvis injuries” terminological field
... the field consists of three lexical-semantic groups of terms. All three stages of modeling are identical: according to the previously developed method, the first step gives the description of the lexical base of each lexico-semantic group using the thesaurus approach. The second step describes the structure of each lexico-semantic group with the help of elements ordering its lexical composition; these elements are distinguished on the basis of differential semes identified by applying the method ...