IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2012 Issue №11

On the competence approach to the development of “Psychology of health” master’s programme at IKBFU


This article is explains the need to develop a new master’s programme — “Psychology of health — as well as to identify the competences of its graduates in the sphere of formation, preservation, and recovery of health. The new master’s programme is being developed in the framework of the Programme for the Development of IKBFU.

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The development of universal learning actions in primary school students by means of project-task technology


This article presents a model of formation of universal learning actions in younger school students through solving project tasks. The author offers a technology of its implementation, which makes it possible to create personal, regulatory, informative, and communicative universal educational actions.

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Self-preservation behavior in children of 3—5 years in the conditions of family upbringing


This article offers the results of a screening study of the features of health behaviour in children of 3-5 years in the conditions of family upbrining, which was conducted on the basis of Russian and Belarusian samples. The author gives descriptions of respondents, as well as time disposition and localisation. The article offers results of a study into health behaviour of children conducted with the help of two standardised methodologies – the mathematical and statistical data analysis and the interpretation of data analysed.

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The problem of developing the motivation for sports in teenagers


This article emphasises the need to study the motives behind adolescents taking up sport and identifies the reasons for regular training, possible
non-attendance of classes, and giving up sport, as well as the dominant motives for taking up sports in children training at Olympic reserve
sports schools. The author describes the personal qualities and actions of the trainer as important factors of persisting in sports.

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The development of aesthetic culture in youth and adults in the course of ballroom dance training as a pedagogical problem


This article considers the relevance, degree of development, and goals and objectives of research on the formation of aesthetic culture in younger and adult students in the process of learning ballroom dancing. The author offers a methodological and theoretical framework for solving the pedagogical problem in question.

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The role of physical education in the professional training of specialists of the service sector at vocational secondary education in-stitutions


This article focuses on the opportunities of physical education in the formation of professional competencies of future mid-level specialists of service sector. Through an analysis of the research and pedagogical literature and a pedagogical experiment, the author tested the effectiveness of the developed technology for the formation of professional competencies in stu-dents of services fields at vocational secondary education institutions by means of physical education.

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Peculiarities of implementing supplementary professional education programs in naval educational institutions


The article is devoted to the aspects of professionally oriented language training of naval cadets on the supplementary educational program "Translator in the field of professional communication". The author describes the peculiarities of the selection of naval cadets, the features of educational content and  language practice.

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