IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2010 Issue №5

The methodological competence of a university teacher


This article attempts to resolve the contradictions between the challenges of a higher education institution modernisation and the level of methodological competence. The author analyses methodological problems and the peculiarities of higher education methodology defining the notion of «methodological competence» and determining its hierarchy, structure, and assessment criteria.

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Traditional instructional media in British higher education: the analysis of effects of application


The article considers the effects of the application of traditional (pre-multimedia) instructional media in UK higher education institutions. The effects of the following media are considered: audio-visual; traditional computer; interactive video; early multimedia. A conclusion is drawn about the necessity to carefully integrate instructional media into the educational context.

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The scope of ethical-pedagogical activity of a teacher


This article explains the need for the development of the «ethical-pedagogical activity» notion and justifies the order of the usage of the terms «ethical» and «pedagogic». The author distinguishes the standards of ethical attitude and the standards of pedagogical attitude and analyses the peculiarities of ethical-pedagogical activity.

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Professional function «The intercultural intermediary»: the status and the activity maintenance


The article provides a rationale of the expedience and necessity of the amplification of professional functions of social humanitarian sphere workers with the new function of the cross-cultural mediator. The cross-cultural mediator professiogram is revealed on the basis of the professiographic approach.

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The competence approach to the preparation of a prospective chemistry teacher for the provision of ecological education at school


In the present research, the components of readiness making the maintenance of professional competence of the future teachers of chemistry in the field of ecological education is defined: is complete-semantic, as comprehension of unity of the purposes of ecological and chemical education; is substantial-remedial; motivationstrong-willed; socially moral. Based on the analysis of complete system of training of students of a specialty «Chemistry» the description of pedagogical conditions of education of the presented components is give.

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