Broken Facets of Ethical Universalism. Commentary on the Book Universality in Morality
Some ideas expressed in the collective monograph Universality in Morality (2020), edited by Ruben Apressyan, are here critically examined. The book is based on the results of a large-scale study by professional ethical philosophers devoted to the question of the nature of universality in morality and the mechanisms of universalisation of individual maxims and norms from antiquity to modern ethical theories, represented above all by the analytical tradition in ...
The thinking of nature and the nature of thinking — Cohen on Spinoza
... thinking and thinking of nature. Conducted by the author analysis allows to understand the main causes of a Cohen’s critical attitude to Spinoza. Spinoza's pantheism, according to Cohen, leads to various unacceptable conse-quences: identification of ethics as metaphysics, which is referred to as an ontology and rests on a false identity, the disappearance of the very possibility of ethics is no difference between being of nature and being of obligation, the opposition against finalism in the name ...
Kant and Covid Ethics
Despite the popularity of many of Kant’s ethical notions, such as autonomy, dignity and respect for persons, there is a perception, even among Kant scholars themselves, that one cannot reliably derive concrete duties from Kant’s moral philosophy. Against this, I shall argue that — properly ...
Kant’s and Fichte’s ethics as sources of Schopenhauer’s philosophy
This article aims to demonstrate the centrality of Kant’s and Fichte’s ethics to the development of Schopenhauer’s ideas of 1811—1813. The author proves the following theses based on the philosopher’s manuscripts and the first edition of his dissertation. Firstly, for a long time, Kant’s ‘moral law’ was a major ...
The scope of ethical-pedagogical activity of a teacher
This article explains the need for the development of the «ethical-pedagogical activity» notion and justifies the order of the usage of the terms «ethical» and «pedagogic». The author distinguishes the standards of ethical attitude and the standards of pedagogical attitude and analyses the peculiarities of ethical-pedagogical activity.
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The Concept of Moral Sense in Kant’s Ethics
... question arises of the nature and character of virtue and the possibility of its being estimated impartially. Next I turn to Kant’s works of the critical period in which he is more emphatic in claiming that the moral sense cannot be a criterion in making ethical judgments. However, Kant does not exclude this concept from his practical philosophy, but explains it in a different way from the views both of British sentimentalists and from his own views of the pre-critical period. Accordingly, the moral sense ...
Betwee the thing and the human being: the ethical and anthropological problems in V. Nabokov’s novel Despair
The article considers the ethical and anthropological component of double discourse in V. Nabokov’s novel Despair. The author considers the problem of comparison between a person and a thing addressed by Nabokov. Parallels to the doppelganger discussion and ethical criticism ...
Freedom and Arbitrariness. The Relevance of Kant’s Ethics and the Modern World. Report of the 16th Saratov Philosophical Workshop (Saratov, 14 May 2019)
This review presents the discussion on “Freedom and Arbitrariness. The Relevance of Kant’s Ethics and the Modern World”, which took place at the 16th Philosophical Workshop “I. Kant and the Current Problems of Modern Philosophy” held in Saratov on 14 May 2019. The discussion was organised by the Department of Ethics and Esthetics at the ...
Reception of Cohen’s ethics in Russia
This article focuses on the perception of the ethical constructions of the founder of the Marburg school of Neo-Kantianism Hermann Cohen by Russian philosophers abroad. The author identifies three approaches, characteristic of this perception: from the perspective of Russian philosophy of law, from ...
Is Spinoza’s Ethics Heteronomous in the Kantian Sense of the Term?
The prevailing interpretations of Spinoza’s ethical theory view it as an example of heteronomy in the Kantian sense of the term. I make a case for the claim that is not in harmony with such interpretations. In the course of the argument I discuss Kant’s concepts of autonomy and heteronomy showing ...
Textual, moral and psychological voices of translation
... translation studies in the last decades, especially regarding literary translation. Voice is typically used in studies that investigate stylistic or structural characteristics of translated texts, intertextuality and other forms of multivocality and ethical questions related to agency, ideology and power in translation and interpreting. The first part of this article defines two essential concepts related to voice in translation — voice and text — and describes the state of the art of research ...
The foundations of I. Kant’s and V. Solovyov’s moral philosophies
The grounds of construction of ethical systems of Kant and Solovjev are comparatively tested in this article. Noting the obvious strenghts of Kant’s ethics, Solovjev finds, that because of its absolute formalism it doesn’t have the complete implementation in the objective world....
On a Recent Attempt to Derive Positive Duties from Kant’s Formula of Universal Law
... our first-order ends). I elaborate on this by comparing and contrasting Duindam’s argument with Oliver Sensen’s interpretation of how to apply the FUL in the latter’s recent “Universal Law and Poverty Relief”.
Baron, M., 1995. Kantian Ethics Almost Without Apology. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Duindam, G., 2023. Deriving Positive Duties from Kant’s Formula of Universal Law. History of Philosophy Quarterly, 40(3), pp.191-201.
The Ethics of the Categorical Imperative. Lossky under the Influence of Kant
... However, his own philosophical project is rather the opposite of the critical programme. While in the framework of Lossky’s epistemology the specificities of his reading of Kant have received a fair amount of attention in Russian scholarship, in the ethical field the Russian philosopher’s comments on Kant have passed largely unnoticed. My task is to reveal the link between Kant’s practical philosophy and Lossky’s ethics. A demonstration of the degree of Kant’s influence in this field will ...