IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2011 Issue №2

Literary text as a pedagogical tool of developing a future economist’s business culture while learning a foreign language


The article is devoted to the preparation of students of economics for professional communication. The author proposes the principles of text selection for foreign language classes. The paper also considers some ways of developing the future economist’s business culture while learning a foreign language.

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The regional blogosphere integration technology in the content of foreign language teaching education at a linguistic university


The article covers possible ways of integrating the regional component of the curriculum into the content of foreign language teaching at a linguistic university. ICTs are one of the most effective means ensuring the regional component inclusion into the content of foreign language teaching. A regional blogosphere is suggested as a form of such integration.

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Family of words as the unity of the formal and the semantic: semantic exercises


The article discusses a system of semantic exercises for training schoolchildren to use families of words regarded as a unity of the formal and the semantic. The offered technique of defining the formal and semantic aspects of word families is reflected in four structural types of their organization, which depend on the initial word and its derivatives.

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Language interaction in trilingualism


The article examines language interaction in the mind of a multilingual individual, based on the example of Myanmar students, trained at the university. The forms of interlanguage connections, established in the process of interaction of languages are examined. The forms of language contacts are described. The language situation in Myanmar (Burma) is also described.

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Dialogical aspect of the examination discourse (based on the oral Russian Language exam)


The article examines the basic verbal attributes of the communicators’ dialogic speech, using the responses received at the oral Russian language examinations at Russian-speaking schools of Lithuania for the period of 2005—2010 as an example. A structure of the dialogue during the exam is suggested.

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