Manuscript submission checklist
When sending in a manuscript to the editorial office, authors should ensure that their submission meets all of the following criteria:
- the work has not been previously published in another journal;
- the manuscript is not under review by another journal;
- references are provided with full internet addresses (URLs) and DOI links where possible;
- all co-authors have approved the text of the manuscript and agree to its publication in the journal;
- the author(s) has(ve) read and accepted the terms of the licensing agreement – the public offer regarding the transfer of non-exclusive rights to use the licensed work;
- a scanned consent form for processing personal data, completed by each author individually, has been signed and is to be uploaded as an additional file with the manuscript;
- the manuscript file is submitted in Microsoft Word document format (DOCX or DOC), RTF or ODT and meets the journal’s requirements specified in the Author Guidelines.
Publication requirements
1. Submitted materials must be original and not published elsewhere. Upon submitting an article to the journal, the author undertakes not to publish the article elsewhere, in whole or in part, without consent from the Editorial office (see paragraph 5).
2. All submitted articles are subject to external and internal double-blind peer review and scanning for plagiarism before the decision on the publication of the article is made.
3. The journal publishes articles that:
- are relevant;
- report original research;
- present findings that have not been published or submitted elsewhere;
- reach a conclusion of interest to a wide interdisciplinary audience;
- contain conclusions;
- are correctly formatted.
4. The recommended article length is 20,000 – 60,000 characters, including spaces.
5. The submission of the Work to the Licensee via the personal account on the website is deemed to constitute acceptance of the terms of this Licence Agreement, which represents a public offer for the transfer of non-exclusive rights to use the Work (Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the requirement for the written form of the Agreement is deemed satisfied. Neither printing nor signing the Agreement is required.
Template of the Licence Agreement (Public Offer)
A scanned copy of the consent for personal data processing (completed individually by each author) must be signed and uploaded as an additional file to the manuscript via the personal account on the website
6. Decisions on the publication or rejection of the article are made by the Editorial board after review and discussion.
7. There is no charge for publication.No Article submission charges nor article processing charges and no publication fees, as one of the main goals of the journal is to provide global researchers with a free publishing platform.
Formal requirements
The article should contain:
1) a Universal Decimal Classification index (UDC);
2) the title of the article (≤ 12 words);
3) a summary (150-250 words). The author should indicate the article’s problem and research goals, objectives, and methods. For book reviews to be published in the journal, the author should state the primary objective of the review, and its results and conclusions;
4) keywords (4-8 words);
5) a well-structured body of the article;
6) references in the Russian language (according to GOST R 7.0.5. — 2008) and in Latin script (Harvard System of Referencing Guide);
7) information about the author – full name, scientific degrees, rank, affiliation (university/ organization, department, position, city, country, postal address), e-mail, ORCID(if applicable).
8) information on the source language of the article;
A failure to meet the above requirements may result in the rejection of a manuscript.