Baltic accent

2021 Vol. 12 №2

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Digital storytelling and micro-narratives — new forms of rep­re­sen­tation of personal experience and collective creativity



The article analyses the impact of digital technologies on storytelling. By creating new information streams of personalised stories with open storylines in the virtual media envi­ronment, the author shares the process of writing a story with other participants in the digital world. The interaction between the author and the audience is transformed under the influ­ence of the hypertext system of cross-references. Each participant in this creative process acts not only as a co-creator, but also as a co-author of many narratives. The narratives, which translate personalized evaluative and often pseudo-expert opinions into the public space, are becoming increasingly emotional to the detriment of the content. Constantly increasing the information flow and immersing its participants in the interactive world of emotional collec­tive meta-narratives composed of fragments of individual stories, the users build a single digi­tal content. By labelling their stories, they relate them to large thematic clusters of homogene­ous information, including their individual experiences in a single space of collective story­telling. Participating in the process of constant co-creation, users construct their own virtual world, filling it with micro-narrative stories of collective creativity, subsequently living inde­pendently in the digital space. The artificially created virtual information environment is constantly multiplying due to the reproduction of hypertextual stories by all participants of storytelling and, as a result, it begins to reproduce itself.


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