Baltic accent

2019 Vol. 10 №4

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A philosophical framework for presenting novelty in a poetic text



Texts of different eras relate to varying degrees to the question of generating and present­ing novelty. Recent poetry has been undergoing visible changes in poets’ attitudes to demon­strating linguistic novelty in texts. Young poets write texts that do not use the established algorithms of presenting and perceiving the new but disguise or surreptitiously reveal appar­ent novelty. One must explore the current practices of hedging against the new in the light of the philosophy of the text and in the context of the need to reconsider methods for studying the language of poetry. The possibility to decipher a poetic text is not embedded in it as an algo­rithm. The linguistic strategy of resisting the contemporary despotism of creativity results in the growing idiomaticity of both individual fragments of a poetic text and a text as a whole.


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