Baltic accent

2017 Vol. 8 №2

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The typological features of the anthroponymicon across different genres of Old Russian literary texts



This article examines Old Russian literary texts of the ancient period from the perspective of the origin and development of the Slavic given names stemming from both Old Russian roots and loanwords. The author analyses two- and three-part male and female given names and examines their phonetic adaptation in Old Russian. Citations are selected from the Russian National Corpus.


1. Likhachev, D. S., 1997. The greatness of ancient literature. In: D. S. Likhachev, ed. Biblioteka literatury Drevnei Rusi [Library of the Ancient Rus literature]. St. Petersburg. Vol. 1, p. 9.
2. Podol'skaya, N. V., 1978. Slovar' russkoi onomasticheskoi terminologii [Dictionary of Russian onomastic terminology] / ed. by A. V. Superanskaya. Moscow.
3. Superanskaya, A. V., 2007. Imya — cherez veka i strany [Name — through centuries and countries]. Moscow.
4. Uspenskii, F. B., Litvina, A. S., 2006. Vybor imeni u russkikh knyazei v X — XVI vv.: Dinasticheskaya istoriya skvoz' prizmu antroponimiki [The choice of the name of Russian princes in the X—XVI centuries: Dynastic history through the prism of anthroponymics]. Moscow.
5. Natsional'nyi korpus russkogo yazyka [Russian National Corpus]. Available at: [Accessed 24 April 2017].
6. Biblioteka literatury Drevnei Rusi [Library of the Ancient Rus literature]. Available at:[Accessed 24 April 2017].