Frame approach to analysing the semantisation of the biblical quasi-anthroponym prodigal son in the language of Russian poetry
... description. This approach helps to identify and characterise meaning construction mechanisms in a precedent onomastic sign, which conveys the conceptual meanings of the biblical text. The study proposes a new methodology for analysing the biblical anthroponym in a poetic text.
The results obtained suggest that the realisation of the quasi-anthroponym prodigal son in Russian poetry texts of different periods is associated with either inheriting or transforming conceptual basic biblical meanings....
Anthroponyms as the markers of cultural memory in epic texts
The author explores the relationship of the notions ‘collective memory’ and ‘cultural memory. Anthroponyms represented in the brothers Grimm’s sagas are analysed as exponents of cultural memory. The main focus is on the functions of anthroponyms in the semantic structure of the sagas texts.
1. Алефиренко Н. Ф., Голованёва ...
The history of the Russian anthroponymic formula in the Smolensk region: Commercial documents of the 17th century
The author studies commercial documents (Smolensk, 17th century) from the perspective of anthropolinguistics and sociolinguistics to trace the development of the official anthroponymic formula in the western region of Russia. At that time, Smolensk was part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The article places emphasis on the specifics of the naming process.
1. Бахвалова Т. В. Из истории развития ...
On the role of anthroponyms in language and culture
The article deals with the functioning of personal names in Russian and English cultural contexts. The focus is placed on the factors determining the role of the anthroponym in the formation of the national world view and the individual's cultural identity.
1. Берестнев Г. И. Слово, язык и за их пределами. Калининград, 2007.
2. Бойко Л. Б. Антропоним ...
Two-stem names: history and current state
..., 2005.
7. Тупиков Н. М. Заметки к истории древнерусских личных собственных имен // Библиограф. 1892. Ч. 1, № 4-5. С. 182—195 ; Ч. 2, № 6-7. С. 240—252.
Koroleva I. A.
anthroponymics, two-stem names, history, modern existence of old Slavic names, classification features
On the function of biblical anthroponyms David and Goliath in poetic texts of A. I. Polezhaeva and V. Ya. Bryusova
The author studies lexical dominants of the vocabulary of precedent biblical anthroponyms David and Goliath in the biblical texts and poetic texts based on the Bible. It is shown that the precedent name in the poetic text becomes a means of expressing the author’s assessment of the depicted. Changes are revealed in the semantics ...
The typological features of the anthroponymicon across different genres of Old Russian literary texts
.... Uspenskii, F. B., Litvina, A. S., 2006. Vybor imeni u russkikh knyazei v X — XVI vv.: Dinasticheskaya istoriya skvoz' prizmu antroponimiki [The choice of the name of Russian princes in the X—XVI centuries: Dynastic history through the prism of anthroponymics]. Moscow.
5. Natsional'nyi korpus russkogo yazyka [Russian National Corpus]. Available at:
[Accessed 24 April 2017].
6. Biblioteka literatury Drevnei Rusi [Library of the Ancient Rus literature]. Available at: ...
German place names in the Kaliningrad region: the commemorative aspect
... 94—103.
6. Указы Президиума Верховного Совета СССР // Материалы Государственного архива Калининградской области 297.1.102а.
Peteshova O.
German placenames, anthroponym, patronymic toponym, commemorative toponym, renaming
The biblical anthoponyms Jospeh the All-comely and Mary Magdelene in Marina Tsvetaeva’s poetic interpretation
This paper studies the informative and associative aspects of the precedent biblical anthroponyms Jospeh the All-comely and Mary Magdalene as units of Marina Tsvetaeva’s personosphere. The author characterizes the text formation and pragmatic functions of the mentioned anthroponyms in Tsevtaeva’s poetic text. The role of cultural ...
On the structure of anthroponyms and their functioning in the Russian and English languages
The article deals with the functioning of anthroponyms and the condi-tions for the realization of their cognitive potential in the Russian and English cultural contexts. In this survey-based research an attempt is made to demon-strate how the flexibility of anthroponymical models reflects both ...