Baltic accent

2014 Vol. 5 №2

The psychological profile of the robber in A.S. Pushkin’s novella Kirdzhali


This article addresses Pushkin’s works, whose characters are based on real people who opposed conventional rules and laws and dedicated their life to fighting for personal and public freedom through following the path of crime. An analysis of the psychologically complex image of the novella’s main character shows that Pushkin paid special attention to the complicated and ambivalent personality of the robber who challenges his fate without pondering the meaning and value of human life.

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From a city to the myth (Yu. Buida’s Königsberg)


This article analyses Yu. Buida’s novel Königsberg as a fragment of the Königsberg text in Russian literature. It is shown that the mythological image of Königsberg/Kaliningrad is based on the moving border between the documentary and the fictional, history and narration, whereas the discursive structure of the text simulates the transformation of reality into a myth.

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