Kant studies in Königsberg: 1784—1949
... studies" — the work of collecting, annotating and publishing the manuscript heritage, correspondence and lecture notes Kant. Given the large volume of primary and secondary sources, we propose a variant ofspecification of structure of Kant Studies in Königsberg — four lines of activity: popularization; biographical research and publications; collection and publication of manuskript heritage and conspects of lectures; the interpretation and reception of Kant's ideas. Detailed presented is the history ...
Immanuel Kant’s House in Königsberg: Attempt at a 3D Reconstruction
The house which Immanuel Kant bought in Königsberg in 1783 has not survived, having been pulled down in the late nineteenth century. Likewise, hardly any of the great philosopher’s personal belongings have survived. Many pieces of furniture and household utensils were auctioned off after ...
Virtual reconstruction of the Market street of 18th-century Königsberg’s Old town: sources, technologies, building history and models
Ahead of the 300th anniversary of the philosopher Immanuel Kant’s birth, efforts are underway to digitally reconstruct the long-lost historical landscape of Königsberg, the birthplace of the ‘Prussian sage’. This article aims to recreate the architectural appearance of Altstädtischer Markt — the market street in the Old Town (Altstadt), one of the city’s districts. Three-dimensional models of the ...
Between accomplice and victim: Civilians during the siege of Kö- nigsberg in 1945
The paper analyses the role of the civilian population during the siege of Fortress Königsberg between late January and April 1945. It will discuss the scope of coercion and the living condition in the city, as well as the reasons why civilians decided to stay in Königsberg. Their large presence makes them impossible to overlook if ...
Kant, Königsberg, and the Albertina. Excerpts from the letters of a Polish student
... to be sent to German-speaking gymnasia. Some of them continued their education at the oldest Prussian university, the Albertina. Selected pas¬sages from letters dated 1802—1806 give an idea of the organisation of education and living conditions of Königsberg students originating from different parts of Eastern and Central Europe.At the Albertina, as in today’s German universities, students had an opportunity to choose courses from the list announced at the beginning of each semester. Swiecicki ...
Kants Sendschreibens zum Tod des Studenten Johann Friedrich von Funk (1760). Zur literaturhistorischen Einordnung — Teil 1: Gottsched und die Königliche Deutsche Gesellschaft zu Königsberg
... explaining the contexts of the short missive. In the first part this concerns in particular the influence that Gottsched exerted on the style of such printed speeches or necrologies. Kant’s references therefore to the ‘Royal German Society’ in Königsberg and its founder Flottwell, a friend of Gottsched’s, are described. The influence of the Roman Stoa then becomes much clearer through the influence of Gottsched’s rhetoric textbook. All in all, Kant attempts to present rational arguments ...
Königsberger Kant-Forschung: Allgemeine Aufgaben und Popularisierung
The first part of the article describes general development of Kant studies in Königsberg as a local movement (not a school) with some special traits, which has significantly contributed to the culture of the town. Core activities were formed by the Society of Kant’s Friends, as well as by archival studies, i. e. collecting, ...
I.P. Khmelnitsky at the Königsberg University of the 18th century
This article offers a review of the activities of I.P. Khmelnitsky at the Königsberg University of the 1760s, examines the ideational and philosophical context, and identifies the role and position of Khmelnitsky in the intellectual polemics of the mid-18th century. The author emphasises that D. Weymann referred to Khmelnitsky’s ...
Paul Henry Gerber — physician, professor and poet from Königsberg
The article explores the biography of Professor Paul Henry Gerber (1863-1919), a bright representative of the intellectual elite of Königsberg at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. A native of the capital of the German province East Prussia, he was an outstanding otorhinolaryngologist, a lecturer at the University of Königsberg, as well as an original poet and publicist....
A Königsberg society of friends without Kant
The legends about dinner parties of Immanuel Kant’s friends have been known since the times of his first biographers and other contemporaries. However, there were other communities of friends in Königsberg. Gathering friends at a dining table for the purpose of intellectual communication became a tradition in Königsberg in the 17th/18th centuries. This tradition created a sub-system of creative communication and leisure bringing together both ...
The geopoetics of the city K.: the optics of perception
... geopoetics. Based on the descriptions of Königsberg-Kaliningrad in Bolotov's memoirs "Life and adventures of Andrey Bolotov, described by himself for his descendants", Brodsky's poem "Einem alten Architekten in Rom" and the novel "Königsberg" by Buida, the authors explore the sensorial perception of the city by the writers and establish its correlation with the extraliterary metapositions reflected in their texts. It is argued that the basis of the description of Königsberg ...
Dialektik als Logik des Scheins. Zu Kants Lektüre von Michael Piccarts Isagoge
... critical distinction between analytics as a “logic of truth” (KrV, B 85) and dialectics as a “logic of illusion” (KrV, B 86). Hereby, dialectics is understood as part of an Aristotelian division of logic in analytics, dialectics and sophistics (Königsberg/Rabe versus Altdorf/Piccart). As will be shown by the paradigmatic case of the famous Königsbergian proponent of Aristotelianism, Paul Rabe, Kant cannot have received the suggestion for his own critical distinction from Rabe’s Cursus Philosophicus....
“Royal game” on the “royal mountain”: сhess in Königsberg
The article explores the history of chess in Königsberg in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. The author gives the data on competitions held in the capital of East Prussia, as well as biographical data on players and chess composers who lived there and visited Königsberg....
Festung Königsberg in 1945: The garrison and its population. A reply to G. V. Kretinin’s remarks
This article presents primary sources for studying the siege and battle of Königsberg of 1945. The work aims to distinguish between the civilian population remaining in the city and combatants defending it. It is shown that the inflated Soviet estimate of the garrison strength, which was uncritically reproduced by Prof G. V....
The intellectual interconnections between Königsberg and the Baltics in the 19th century
This article analyses the Königsberg context of the activities of 18th century enlighteners — Johann Gotthelf Lindner and Jacob Lange — in the Baltics and offers an overview of their linguistic works. On the basis of the hypothesis about the influence of the Königsberg spirit ...
Preaching activity of Ludwig Ernst Borowski, a Königsberg pastor, during the Napoleonic wars (1806—1816)
The article explores the life of the Königsberg preacher Ludwig Ernst Borowski (1740—1831). Special attention is paid to his biography and his pastoral activities. A detailed analysis of Borowski's patriotic sermons (1806—1816) is undertaken; the idiosyncrasies of his literary style ...
Königsberg’s urbal elites: Between the tradition and innovation (1815—1914)
The paper focuses on Königsberg’s elites faced with fast changes in the 19th century. The city’s old merchant families were up against increasing competition from new actors – industrialists and bankers – trying to take advantage of the former. The author examines ...
The urban development in East Prussia in the interwar period
... of residential areas, and creation of a comfortable environment with the help of landscape gardening.
1. Аушпитцер Х. Кёнигсберг с градостроительной точки зрения / М. Дворкин ; пер. ст.: Königsberg in städtebaulicher Hinsicht von Schriftleiter H. Auspitzer. Berlin, 1926 // Научный архив Калининградского областного историко-художественного музея (НА КОИХМ). Ф. ...
On the employment status of Andrei Bolotov in Königsberg
This article deals with Andrey Bolotov’s official employment status during his time in Königsberg (April 1758 — March 1762). The work considers the historiographic tradition originating from Bolotov’s memoirs, the Königsberg pages of which were written more than 30 years after the events described. Bolotov’s memoirs are compared ...
Karamzin, Kant, and Lavater — Intersecting Biographies
In his “Letters of a Russian Traveller” Karamzin left a detailed account of his visit to I. Kant in Königsberg on June 18, 1789. Published in 1791, his report is important as the first printed mentioning of Kant in Russian. Karamzin was looking forward to meet J. K. Lavater in Zürich, with whom he had already corresponded for three years, but Kant ...
From the history of the Löbenicht gymnasium in Königsberg
The article traces the history of one of the oldest elite educational institutions in Königsberg — the Löbenicht Real Gymnasium, which was attended by engineers, bankers, architects, administrators and others famous in Königsberg and beyond. The evolution of the status of the gymnasium is traced, starting from the parochial school ...
Professor Friedrich Münzer in Königsberg
The article presents a brief biography of Friedrich Münzer (1868—1942), a prominent German historian of Antiquity, a expert in Roman political history. Throughout his life, Münzer taught at the universities of Basel, Königsberg, and Münster, demonstrating high creative activity and publishing numerous works on ancient history. His fate was tragic. Münzer became one of the victims of the National Socialist regime in Germany and died in the Theresienstadt concentration ...
Character’s existence in the Königsberg/Kaliningrad toposphere: Yu.N Ivanov’s Dances in the Crematorium and Michael Wieck’s The Decline of Königsberg
A comparative analysis of the existence of the main characters in Yuri Ivanov’s Dances in the Crematorium and Michael Wieck’s The Decline of Königsberg demonstrates clear typological convergences. The common toposphere is Königsberg/Kaliningrad, which incorporates a wide range of toponym types and subtypes — the district of Amalienau, Hufen- Allee, Alte Pillauer Landstraße, Paradeplatz,...
N. M. Karamzin: On the History of Using the Koenigsberg Archives in his Work on the History of the Russian State
... русской. URL:
(дата обращения: 30.11.2016).
14. Филюшкин А. И. Василий III. М., 2010.
15. Forstreuter K. Das Preuβische Staatsarhiv in Königsberg. Ein geschichtlicher Rūckblick mit einer Übersicht üstine Bestände. Göttingen, 1955.
16. Forstreuter K. Preuβen und Ruβland im Mittelalter / Die Entwicklung ihrer Beziehungen vom 13. bis 17. Jahrhundert. Königsberg ; Berlin, 1938.
Königsberg Cathedral and Kant’s tomb in Soviet Kaliningrad
Based on earlier unknown or poorly studied archival documents, this article reconstructs the post-war history of the 14th century Königsberg Cathedral and the tomb of philosopher Immanuel Kant in former Kneiphof. The study investigates the authorities’ and general public’s attitudes towards this monuments. Throughout the Soviet period until the beginning of Perestroika, the ...
From a city to the myth (Yu. Buida’s Königsberg)
This article analyses Yu. Buida’s novel Königsberg as a fragment of the Königsberg text in Russian literature. It is shown that the mythological image of Königsberg/Kaliningrad is based on the moving border between the documentary and the fictional, history and narration, whereas the discursive ...
The “Polish question” in Soviet-German relations in the second half of the 1920s (based on the materials of the USSR consulate in Königsberg)
On the basis of earlier unknown documents of the Soviet consulate in Königsberg retrieved from the Archive of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, the author analyses relations between the USSR and Germany in 1925—1930. The author focuses on the role of the “Polish question”, which largely affected the ...
On the establishment and early activity of the Soviet consulate in Königsberg (1923—1925)
... consular missions in East Prussia. On the basis of the earlier unknown documents from the Central Russian archives and the Political archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, the author describes the establishment of the Soviet Consulate in Königsberg in 1923 and the contribution of the first Consul of the USSR in East Prussia, Yulian Boshkovich, to the development of bilateral relations in 1923—1925. The author considers the adverse political conditions under which Soviet diplomats were ...
Konstantin Skryabin in Königsberg: forgotten pages of the biography
Based on memoirs of the outstanding Russian helminthologist Konstantin Skryabin (1878—1972), the article reconstructs the circumstances of his stay in Königsberg in 1912—1913. The research introduces the archive documents that reflect the attempts of the Soviet officials to commemorate Skryabin in Kaliningrad in 1956—1957 and gives recommendations for preserving the memory of Skryabin in the ...
Implicit memory, or Once again on German civilians in Königsberg during the fortress siege in February — April 1945
Within a polemic with B. Willems's article, the author analyses the size of civilian population of Königsberg remaining in the city during the siege of 1945. The article considers approaches of Soviet and German command to evaluating the role of civilians in defending the fortress during the siege.
1. Вик М. Закат Кёнигсберга: ...
Passages from the history of the Kaliningrad region: The first sitting of the Königsberg regional Office for Civil Affairs on June 26—27, 1946
An analysis of the transcript of a meeting held on June 26—27, 1946 at the Königsberg Office for Civil Affairs helps consider the perspective of the civil administration and the commandment of the 11th Guards Army on the problems of the development of the Königsberg / Kaliningrad region in 1946. The meeting participants focused ...