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2019 Том 10 №1

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Эргономика и процесс перевода

Ergonomics and the translation process
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Процесс перевода включает множество действующих лиц и факторов, таких как организация работы, процесс коммуникации, управление переводческими проектами, безопасность на рабочем месте и статус переводчика. Физические факторы окружающей среды (например, освещение, температура, качество воздуха, организация пространства), а также роль переводчика и перевода для экономики и общества в целом могут оказывать влияние на процесс перевода. Изучение процесса перевода с эргономической точки зрения может обеспечить надлежащую основу для понимания характера и степени влияния вышеупомянутых факторов на эффективность сложной двуязычной деятельности переводчика. Поскольку процесс перевода требует особой концентрации внимания, переводчики вынужденно тратят энергию и, в конечном счете, когнитивные ресурсы на компенсацию отвлекающих моментов любого рода, начиная с ощущения физического дискомфорта и заканчивая недостаточной производительностью компьютера или проблемами организационного характера. В статье описываются результаты недавних исследований значения эргономики для процесса перевода и для переводчика.


The translation process can be regarded as a complex system involving many agents, organizational factors such as workflow, communication processes, project management, job security, and translator status. Environmental factors in the physical sense (e. g. lighting, temperature, air quality, space) as well in the broader sense of the role of translation and translators in the economy and society as a whole can also influence the process. Viewing translation from an ergonomic perspective can provide an appropriate framework to understand the impact of such factors on the demanding bilingual activity that translators engage in. Because their work requires close attention and concentration, translators have to exert energy and ultimately cognitive resources to compensate for the distraction of any physical discomfort, delays in computer responsiveness, or frustration with organizational problems. In this article, the relevance of ergonomics and the implications of putting the translator and their translation processes in focus are discussed in light of recent research.

Список литературы

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Beale R., Peter C. (eds.). Affect and Emotion in HCI. Berlin : Springer, 2008.

Bevan N. Psychological and ergonomic factors in machine translation // Practical Experience of Machine Translation / ed. by V. Lawson. Amsterdam : North-Holland Publishing, 1982. Р. 75—78.

Cadwell P., Castilho S., O’Brien S., Mitchell L. Human factors in machine translation and post-editing among institutional translators // Translation Spaces. 2016. Vol. 5 (2). P. 222—243.

Canfora C., Ottmann A. Risikomanagement für Übersetzungen // Trans-kom. 2015. Vol. 8 (2). P. 314—346.

CCOHS. Office Ergonomics Safety Guide. 6th ed. Hamilton, ON : CCOHS, 2011.

Chesterman A. The name and nature of translator studies // Hermes — Journal of Language and Communication Studies. 2009. Vol. 42. P. 13—22.

Chesterman A. Models of what processes? // Translation and Interpreting Studies. 2013. Vol. 8 (2). P. 155—168.

Clark A., Chalmers D. J. The extended mind. Reprinted in The Extended Mind / ed. by R. Menary. Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, 2010. P. 27—41.

Ehrensberger-Dow M., Hunziker Heeb A., Massey G., Meidert U., Neumann S., Becker H. An international survey of the ergonomics of professional translation // ILCEA. 2016. Vol. 27. URL: https://journals.openedition.org/ilcea/4004 (дата обращения: 22.09.2018).

Ehrensberger-Dow M., Jääskeläinen R. Ergonomics of translation: methodological, practical and educational implications // Moving Boundaries in Translation Studies / ed. by H. V. Dam, M. N. Brøgger, K. K. Zethsen. L. : Routledge, 2019 (в печати).

Ehrensberger-Dow M., Massey G. Cognitive ergonomic issues in professional translation // The Development of Translation Competence: Theories and Methodologies from Psycholinguistics and Cognitive Science / ed. by J. W. Schwieter, A. Ferreira. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars, 2014. P. 58—86.

Ehrensberger-Dow M., Massey G. Socio-technical issues in professional translation practice // Translation Spaces. 2017. Vol. 6 (1). P. 104—121.

Ehrensberger-Dow M., O’Brien S. Ergonomics of the translation workplace: Potential for cognitive friction // Translation Spaces. 2015. Vol. 4 (1). P. 98—118.

ELIA 2018. Language Industry Survey — Expectations and Concerns of the Euro­pean Language Industry 2018. Brussels : European Language Industry Association. URL: https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/2017_language_industry_survey_report_ en.pdf (дата обращения: 22.09.2018).

Englund Dimitrova B., Ehrensberger-Dow M. Cognitive space: Exploring the situational interface // Translation Spaces. 2016. Vol. 5 (1). P. 1—19.

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Grass T. “Plus” est-il synonyme de “mieux”? Logiciels commerciaux contre logi­ciels libres du point de vue de l’ergonomie // ILCEA. 2011. Vol. 14 : Traduction et Ergonomie. URL: https://journals.openedition.org/ilcea/1052 (дата обращения: 10.10.2018).

Hansen G. Erfolgreich übersetzen. Entdecken und Beheben von Störquellen. Tübingen : Narr Francke Attempto, 2006.

Ijmker S., Huysmans M. A., Blatter B. M. et al. Should office workers spend fewer hours at their computer? A systematic review of the literature // Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2007. Vol. 64. P. 211—222.

Jastrzebowski W. An outline of ergonomics, or the science of work based upon the truths drawn from the science of nature // International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors. 2nd ed. / ed. by W. Karwowski. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2006. Vol. 3. P. 129—141.

Kinnunen T., Koskinen K. (eds.). Translators Agency. Tampere : Tampere University Press, 2010.

Lavault-Olléon E. L’ergonomie, nouveau paradigme pour la traductologie // ILCEA. 2011a. Vol. 14 : Traduction et Ergonomie. URL: https://journals.openedition.org/ ilcea/1078?lang=en.html (дата обращения: 15.10.2018).

Lavault-Olléon E. Une introduction à la problématique “Traduction et Ergonomie” // ILCEA. 2011b. Vol. 14 : Traduction et Ergonomie. URL: https:// journals.openedition.org/ilcea/1118 (дата обращения: 15.10.2018).

Licht D. M., Polzella D. J., Boff K. Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Human Factors Engineering: An Analysis of Definitions. CSERIAC-89-01. Dayton, OH : CSERIAC, 1989.

Meidert U., Neumann S., Ehrensberger-Dow M., Becker H. Physical ergonomics at translators’ workplaces: Findings from ergonomic workplace assessments and interviews // ILCEA. 2016. Vol. 27. URL: https://journals.openedition.org/ilcea/3996 (дата обращения: 20.10.2018).

Menary R. The extended mind // Encyclopedia of the Mind / ed. by H. Pashler. Thousand Oaks : SAGE, 2013. P. 335—338.

Mesa‐Lao B. Gaze behaviour on source texts: An exploratory study comparing translation and post‐editing // Post-Editing of Machine Translation: Processes and Applications / ed. by S. O’Brien, L. Winther Balling, M. Carl et al. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars, 2014. P. 219—245.

Muñoz Martín R. Typos and co. // Behind the Mind. Methods, Models and Results in Translation Process Research / ed. by S. Göpferich, A. L. Jakobsen, I. M. Mees. Copenhagen : Samfundslitteratur Press, 2009. P. 167—189.

Muñoz Martín R. On paradigms and cognitive translatology // Translation and Cognition / ed. by G. M. Shreve, E. Angelone. Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2010. P. 169—187.

Muñoz Martín R. Just a matter of scope. Mental load in translation process re­search // Translation Spaces. 2012. Vol. 1. P. 169—178.

Muñoz Martín R. (ed.). Reembedding Translation Process Research. Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2016a.

Muñoz Martín R. Processes of what models? On the cognitive indivisibility of translation acts and events // Translation Spaces. 2016b. Vol. 5 (1). P. 145—161.

Norros L., Savioja P. Towards a theory and method for usability evaluation of com­plex human-technology systems // Activités. 2007. Vol. 4 (2). P. 143—150.

O’Brien S. Translation as human-computer interaction // Translation Spaces. 2012. Vol. 1. P. 101—122.

O’Brien S., Ehrensberger-Dow M., Hasler M., Connolly M. Irritating CAT tool featu­res that matter to translators // Hermes — Journal of Language and Communication in Business. 2017. Vol. 56. P. 145—162.

O’Brien S., O’Hagan M., Flanagan M. Keeping an eye on the UI design of translation memory: How do translators use the “concordance” feature? // Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics / ed. by W. P. Brinckman, M. Neerincx. Delft : Delft University of Technology, 2010. P. 187—190.

Olohan M. Translators and translation technology: The dance of agency // Translation Studies. 2011. Vol. 4 (3). P. 342—357.

Pym A. What technology does to translating // Translation & Interpreting. 2011. Vol. 3 (1). P. 1—9.

Pym A. Translation skill-sets in a machine-translation age // Meta. 2013. Vol. 58 (3). P. 487—503.

Pym A. Translating as risk management // Journal of Pragmatics. 2015. Vol. 85. P. 67—80.

Risku H. Situatedness in Translation Ttudies // Cognitive Systems Research. 2002. Vol. 3. P. 523—533.

Risku H. Translation process research as interaction research: From mental to socio-cognitive processes // MonTI. 2014. Special Iss. 1. P. 331—353.

Robbins P., Aydede M. (eds). The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition. Camb­ridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Salvendy G. Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics. 4th ed. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2012.

Taravella A., Villeneuve A. O. Acknowledging the needs of computer-assisted trans­lation tools users: The human perspective in human-machine translation // The Journal of Specialised Translation. 2013. Vol. 19. P. 62—74.

Teixeira C. S.C. The Impact of Metadata on Translator Performance: How Translators Work with Translation Memories and Machine Translation : PhD thesis. Tarragona Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2014.

Teixeira C., O’Brien S. Investigating the cognitive ergonomic aspects of translation tools in a workplace setting // Translation Spaces. 2017. Vol. 6 (1). P. 79—103.

Vink P., Kantola J. Advances in Occupational, Social, and Organizational Ergonomics. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2011.


Baethge, A. and Rigotti, T., 2010. Arbeitsunterbrechungen und Multitasking: Ein umfassender Überblick zu Theorien und Empirie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Altersdifferenzen. Dortmund: Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin.

Beale, R. and Peter, C. (eds.), 2008. Affect and Emotion in HCI. Berlin: Springer.

Bevan, N., 1982. Psychological and ergonomic factors in machine translation. In: V. Lawson (ed.). Practical Experience of Machine Translation. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing, pp. 75—78.

Cadwell, P., Castilho, S., O’Brien, S. and Mitchell, L., 2016. Human factors in machine translation and post-editing among institutional translators. Translation Spaces, 5 (2), pp. 222—243.

Canfora, C. and Ottmann, A., 2015. Risikomanagement für Übersetzungen. Trans-kom, 8 (2), pp. 314—346.

CCOHS, 2011. Office Ergonomics Safety Guide. 6th ed. Hamilton, ON: CCOHS.

Chesterman, A., 2009. The name and nature of translator studies. Hermes — Journal of Language and Communication Studies, 42, pp. 13—22.

Chesterman, A., 2013. Models of what processes? Translation and Interpreting Stu­dies, 8 (2), pp. 155—168.

Clark, A. and Chalmers, D. J., 2010. The extended mind. Reprinted. In: R. Menary, ed. The Extended Mind. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 27—41.

Ehrensberger-Dow, M., Hunziker Heeb, A., Massey, G., Meidert, U., Neumann, S. and Becker, H., 2016. An international survey of the ergonomics of professional translation. ILCEA, 27, available at: https://journals.openedition.org/ilcea/4004 (аccessed 22 September 2018).

Ehrensberger-Dow, M. and Jääskeläinen, R., 2019 (in press). Forthcoming. Ergonomics of translation: methodological, practical and educational implications. In: H. V. Dam, M. N. Brøgger and K. K. Zethsen (eds.). Moving Boundaries in Translation Studies. Zethsen. London: Routledge.

Ehrensberger-Dow, M. and Massey, G., 2014. Cognitive ergonomic issues in profes­sional translation. In: J. W. Schwieter and A. Ferreira, eds. The Development of Transla­tion Competence: Theories and Methodologies from Psycholinguistics and Cognitive Scien­ce. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 58—86.

Ehrensberger-Dow, M. and Massey, G., 2017. Socio-technical issues in professional translation practice. Translation Spaces, 6 (1), pp. 104—121.

Ehrensberger-Dow, M. and O’Brien, S., 2015. Ergonomics of the translation work­place: Potential for cognitive friction. Translation Spaces, 4 (1), pp. 98—118.

ELIA, 2018. Language Industry Survey — Expectations and Concerns of the European Language Industry 2018. Brussels: European Language Industry Association, аvailable at: https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/2017_language_industry_survey_report_ en.pdf (аccessed 22 September 2018).

Englund Dimitrova, B. and Ehrensberger-Dow, M., 2016. Cognitive space: Exploring the situational interface. Translation Spaces, 5 (1), pp. 1—19.

Gile, D., 2009. Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Grass, T., 2011. “Plus” est-il synonyme de “mieux”? Logiciels commerciaux contre logiciels libres du point de vue de l’ergonomie. ILCEA. 14: Traduction et Ergo­no­mie, аvailable at: https://journals.openedition.org/ilcea/1052 (аccessed 10 October 2018).

Hansen, G., 2006. Erfolgreich übersetzen. Entdecken und Beheben von Störquellen. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.

Ijmker, S., Huysmans, M. A., Blatter, B. M., van der Beek, A. J., van Mechelen, W. and Bongers, P. M., 2007. Should office workers spend fewer hours at their computer? A systematic review of the literature. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 64, pp. 211—222.

Jastrzebowski, W., 2006. An outline of ergonomics, or the science of work based upon the truths drawn from the science of nature. In: W. Karwowski (ed.). International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors, Vol. 3. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 129—141.

Kinnunen, T. and Koskinen, K. eds., 2010. Translators' Agency. Tampere: Tampere University Press.

Lavault-Olléon, E., 2011a. L’ergonomie, nouveau paradigme pour la traducto­lo­gie. ILCEA. 14: Traduction et Ergonomie, аvailable at: https://journals.openedition. org/ilcea/1078?lang=en.html (аccessed 15 October 2018).

Lavault-Olléon, E., 2011b. Une introduction à la problématique “Traduction et Ergonomie”. ILCEA. 14: Traduction et Ergo­no­mie, аvailable at: https://journals. openedition.org/ilcea/1118 (аccessed 15 October 2018).

Licht, D. M., Polzella, D. J. and Boff, K., 1989. Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Human Factors Engineering: An Analysis of Definitions. CSERIAC-89-01. Dayton, OH: CSERIAC.

Meidert, U., Neumann, S., Ehrensberger-Dow, M. and Becker, H., 2016. Physical ergonomics at translators’ workplaces: Findings from ergonomic workplace assessments and interviews. ILCEA, 27, аvailable at: https://journals.openedition.org/ ilcea/3996 (аccessed 20 October 2018).

Menary, R., 2013. The extended mind. In: H. Pashler (ed.). Encyclopedia of the Mind. Thousand Oaks: SAGE, pp. 335—338.

Mesa-Lao, B., 2014. Gaze behaviour on source texts: An exploratory study comparing translation and post‐editing. In: S. O’Brien, L. Winther Balling, M. Carl, M. Simard and L. Specia (eds.). Post-Editing of Machine Translation: Processes and Applications. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 219—245.

Muñoz Martín, R., 2009. Typos and co. In: S. Göpferich, A. L. Jakobsen and I. M. Mees (eds.). Behind the Mind. Methods, Models and Results in Translation Process Research. Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur Press, pp. 167—189.

Muñoz Martín, R., 2010. On paradigms and cognitive translatology. In: G. M. Shre­ve and E. Angelone (eds.). Translation and Cognition. Amsterdam: John Benja­mins, pp. 169—187.

Muñoz Martín, R., 2012. Just a matter of scope. Mental load in translation process research. Translation Spaces, 1, pp. 169—178.

Muñoz Martín, R. (ed.), 2016a. Reembedding Translation Process Research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Muñoz Martín, R., 2016b. Processes of what models? On the cognitive indivisibility of translation acts and events. Translation Spaces, 5 (1), pp. 145—161.

Norros, L. and Savioja, P., 2007. Towards a theory and method for usability eva­lua­tion of complex human-technology systems. Activités, 4 (2), pp. 143—150.

O’Brien, S., 2012. Translation as human-computer interaction. Translation Spaces, 1, pp. 101—122.

O’Brien, S., Ehrensberger-Dow, M., Hasler, M. and Connolly, M., 2017. Irritating CAT tool features that matter to translators. Hermes — Journal of Language and Com­mu­nication in Business, 56, pp. 145—162.

O’Brien, S., O’Hagan, M. and Flanagan, M., 2010. Keeping an eye on the UI design of translation memory: How do translators use the “concordance” feature? In: W. P. Brinckman and M. Neerincx (eds.). Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics. Delft: Delft University of Technology, pp. 187—190.

Olohan, M., 2011. Translators and translation technology: The dance of agency. Translation Studies, 4 (3), pp. 342—357.

Pym, A., 2011. What technology does to translating. Translation & Interpreting, 3 (1), pp. 1—9.

Pym, A., 2013.Translation skill-sets in a machine-translation age. Meta, 58 (3), pp. 487—503.

Pym, A., 2015.Translating as risk management. Journal of Pragmatics, 85, pp. 67—80.

Risku, H., 2002. Situatedness in Translation Ttudies. Cognitive Systems Research, 3, pp. 523—533.

Risku, H., 2014. Translation process research as interaction research: From mental to socio-cognitive processes. MonTI. Special Iss., 1, pp. 331—353.

Robbins, P. and Aydede, M. (eds.), 2008. The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Salvendy, G., 2012. Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics. 4th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Taravella, A. and Villeneuve, A. O., 2013. Acknowledging the needs of computer-assisted translation tools users: The human perspective in human-machine translation. The Journal of Specialised Translation, 19, pp. 62—74.

Teixeira, C. S.C., 2014. The Impact of Metadata on Translator Performance: How Translators Work with Translation Memories and Machine Translation. Ph. D. Universitat Rovi­ra i Virgili, Tarragona.

Teixeira, C. and O’Brien, S., 2017. Investigating the cognitive ergonomic aspects of translation tools in a workplace setting. Translation Spaces, 6 (1), pp. 79—103.

Vink, P. and Kantola, J., 2011. Advances in Occupational, Social, and Organizational Ergonomics. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.