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Беспорядок в царстве целей (Рец. на кн.: Korsgaard Ch. M. Fellow Creatures: Our Obligations to the Other Animals. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. 252 p.)

Trouble in the Kingdom of Ends (Rev.: C. M. Korsgaard, Fellow Creatures: Our Obligations to the Other Animals. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 252 pp.)
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Список литературы

100 этюдов о Канте / под ред. В. В. Васильева. М. : КДУ, 2005.

Кант И. Предполагаемое начало человеческой истории  // Соч. на нем. и рус. яз. М. : Ками, 1994. Т. 1. С. 149—191.

Korsgaard Ch.M. Creating the Kingdom of Ends. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1996a.

Korsgaard Ch.M. The Sources of Normativity. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1996б.

Korsgaard Ch.M. Fellow Creatures: Kantian Ethics and Our Duties to Animals // The Tanner Lectures on Human Values / ed. by G. B. Peterson. Salt Lake City, UT : University of Utah Press, 2004. Vol. 25/26. P. 77—110.

Korsgaard Ch.M. The Constitution of Agency: Essays on Practical Reason and Moral Psychology. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008.

Korsgaard Ch.M. Self-Constitution: Agency, Identity, and Integrity. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009.

Korsgaard Ch.M. Fellow Creatures: Our Obligations to the Other Animals. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018.

Regan T. The Case for Animal Rights // In Defense of Animals / ed. by P. Singer. Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1985. P. 13—26.


Kant, I., 1991. Conjectures on the Beginning of Human History. In: I. Kant, 1991. Political Writings. Edited by H. Reiss, translated by H. B. Nisbet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 221-235.

Korsgaard, C.M., 1996a. Creating the Kingdom of Ends. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Korsgaard, C.M., 1996b. The Sources of Normativity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Korsgaard, C.M., 2004. Fellow Creatures: Kantian Ethics and Our Duties to Animals. In: G. B. Peterson, ed. 2004. The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, Volume 25/26. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, pp. 77-110.

Korsgaard, C.M., 2008. The Constitution of Agency: Essays on Practical Reason and Moral Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Korsgaard, C.M., 2009. Self-Constitution: Agency, Identity, and Integrity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Korsgaard, C.M., 2018. Fellow Creatures: Our Obligations to the Other Animals. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Regan, T., 1985. The Case for Animal Rights. In: P. Singer, ed. 1985. In Defense of Animals. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 13-26.

Vasilyev, V.V., ed. 2005. 100 etiudov o Kante [100 Sketches on Kant]. Moscow: KDU, 2005. (In Rus.)