Дифференциальная геометрия многообразий фигур

2020 Выпуск 51

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Поля геометрических объектов, ассоциированных со скомпонованным гиперплоскостным H(Λ,L)-распреде­ле­ни­ем аффинного пространства

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В данной работе рассмотрены фокальные многообразия, ассоциированные с H(Λ,L) -распределением аффинного пространства. В нормальных и касательных расслоениях L-, -, H-подрасслоений введены аффинные (внутренние) связности и нормальные центроаффинные связности соответственно. Найдены тензоры кривизны полученных связностей.


A compiled hyperplane distribution is considered in an n-dimensional projective space . We will briefly call it a -distribution. Note that the plane L(A) is the distribution characteristic obtained by displacement in the center belonging to the L-subbundle. The following results were obtained: a) The existence theorem is proved: -distribution exists with arbitrary (3n – 5) functions of n arguments. b) A focal manifold is constructed in the normal plane of the 1st kind of L-subbundle. It was obtained by shifting the cen­ter A along the curves belonging to the L-distribution. A focal manifold is also given, which is an analog of the Koenigs plane for the distribution pair (L, L). c) It is shown that a framed -distribution in the 1st kind normal field of H-distribution induces tangent and normal bundles. d) Six connection theorems induced by a framed -distri­bu­tion in these bundles are proved. In each of the bundles , the framed -distribution induces an intrin­sic torsion-free affine connection in the tangent bundle and a centro-affine connection in the corresponding normal bundle. e) In each of the bundles (d) in the differential neighborhood of the 2nd order, the covers of 2-forms of curvature and curvature tensors of the corresponding connections are constructed.

Список литературы

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7.  Chakmazyan, A. V.: Normal connection in the geometry of framed submanifolds. Yerevan (1999).