IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2023 Issue №3

Men’s revolt: the struggle for gender equality in the Polish lands of the Austrian and Russian Empires at the beginning of the XX century: issues of political communication


The article examines the cooperation between men and women during the third wave of feminism in the Polish territories of the Russian and Austrian Empires at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The role of individual men in the establishment of the first major feminist organizations is highlighted. The author studies the contribution of Stanisław Kośutski in forming the first mass women’s organization in the Polish territories. The collaborative efforts of women and men in the League of Men for the Defense of Women’s Rights and the Union for Equal Rights of Polish Women are characterized. The reasons for the split in the Union for Equal Rights of Polish Women, Stanisław Kośutski’s role in the internal conflict of the Un­ion, and his relations with key activists of the Polish women’s movement are analyzed. The political evolution of Maria Dulębianka in the Galician Sejm and her collaboration with Aus­trian socialists are separately discussed. Meanwhile, the article examines the positions of key activists in the Polish women’s movement regarding cooperation with men and political par­ties. The stance of certain politicians and public figures, who did not align with any of the organizations advocating for women’s emancipation to achieve national interests, is charac­terized.

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Historical narrative in the work of Kaliningrad poets during Perestroika: the experience of content analysis


During the years of Perestroika, discussions about Stalinism and the Soviet legacy be­came a focal point of public attention. In the Kaliningrad region, interest in history during this period shifted towards the regional pre-war past, the cultural heritage of the area, the history of its settlement, and the development by Soviet people. Historical themes became one of the leading motifs in the works of Kaliningrad poets. The aim of the article is to identify the “images of the past” that shaped the historical narrative in Kaliningrad poetry during the Perestroika period. The primary research method employed is content analysis conducted us­ing the Max QDA 2020 software. The analysis is based on 126 poetic works by 47 authors published from 1985 to 1991. The “images of the past” are examined in the article through the prism of the reflection of historical memory of Kaliningraders and utilizing the concept of “lieux de mémoire” (places of memory). The article demonstrates the dynamics of poem publi­cations over the years and characterizes the prioritized historical themes, including events of the Great Patriotic War, the settlement and recovery of the region, and the fate of the histori­cal and cultural heritage. The conclusion is drawn that during the Perestroika period, influ­enced by changes in public consciousness, there was a gradual incorporation of new historical images of the pre-war and post-war past of the region into poetic texts. Simultaneously, there was a tendency to preserve and partially reconsider certain components of the Soviet histori­cal narrative related to the war and the formation of the Kaliningrad region.

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The end of the collective farm (the case of the collective farm “Novaya Znizn”, Pravdinsky district, Kaliningrad region)


Based on unpublished materials from the State Archive of the Kaliningrad region and the Archival department of the administration of the municipal entity “Pravdinsky Urban Dis­trict”, including minutes of general meetings and board sessions of the collective farm, mate­rials from the primary party organization, etc., this microhistorical study explores the final years of the “Novaya Znizn (New Life)” collective farm in the Pravdinsky district of the Ka­liningrad region. The research goal is to reconstruct the views of collective farm members on the processes occurring in the country in the late 1980s to early 1990s. The analysis presents the main challenges faced by the farm during the period of Perestroika. Despite numerous transformations initiated by M. S. Gorbachev in the agricultural sector, they did not lead to the expected qualitative changes. Phenomena such as rising prices and shortages of goods caused disillusionment with the ideas of Perestroika. The author examines the process of reor­ganizing the collective farm into a closed joint-stock company. The general conclusion is that, despite the possibility of organizing individual farming enterprises, the majority of peasants chose to preserve the established collective way of life. They saw it as a guarantee of support in the face of the critical economic situation in the Russian countryside in the early 1990s.

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