IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2023 Issue №3

Digital transformation of Russian prosecution bodies: current status and development prospects


The article discusses the development and implementation of digital technologies in the supervisory activities of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation. The main aspects of the state policy on the digital transformation of the bodies and organizations of the Russian Prosecutor’s Office have been studied. The authors focus on general trends in the informatiza­tion of prosecutorial activities for the purpose of strengthening legality and maintaining law and order. The experience of the effective implementation of informational platforms in the Prosecutor’s Office of St. Petersburg, providing for the qualification improvement and know­led­ge assessment of prosecutors, is presented. In addition, the article reflects the digital trans­for­mation of the prosecution authorities in the context of the 2020—2021 pandemic. and sanctions pressure from unfriendly countries against the backdrop of the current foreign poli­cy situation. The relevance of training specialists in information security and the protection of the digital infrastructure of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation is substantiated. The article identifies the main directions of developing the system of prosecutors’ qualification enhancement in the context of a practice-oriented digital educational environment. An analy­sis of tasks within the digitization of supervisory activities is conducted, and proposals are formulated to enhance the efficiency and optimize both departmental control by the Russian Prosecutor’s Office and information-analytical and monitoring activities during supervisory measures.

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Classification of doctrinal principles of law


The specific features of doctrinal principles of law, complicating the process of their clas­sification, are noted. Based on a positivist legal understanding, three original classifications of doctrinal principles of Russian law are proposed. The first classification is based on criteria such as the source of origin and the source in which the doctrinal principle is formulated. The second classification criterion for doctrinal principles of law is recognition by the scientific community. Within the framework of the third classification, doctrinal principles are distin­guished depending on the sphere of social relations to which the doctrinal principle extends or may extend.

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Forensic aspects of the state prosecutor’s participation in jury election. Situational approach


The article considers the tactical aspects of the prosecutor’s participation in forming the jury panel. The study aims to identify and analyze existing tactical issues of the state prosecu­tor’s involvement in this stage of judicial proceedings and develop proposals for their resolu­tion. The research methodology is based on a combination of general scientific and specialized methods, as well as a situational approach. Tactical tasks facing the state prosecutor at this stage of legal proceedings are outlined. From the perspective of the situational approach, the process of establishing and maintaining psychological contact between the prosecutor and potential jury candidates is examined. The ways in which the state prosecutor studies the personalities of potential jurors are presented. The author identifies typical situations of jury selection. A solution to the problem of potential jurors concealing information about them­selves is proposed, involving the identification of situations within the jury candidate ques­tionnaire, depending on the form of the questionnaire and the likelihood of lying in response. The conclusion is drawn that the effective influence of the prosecutor on the composition of the jury panel is based on the judicious use of their right to challenge with cause and without cause, which is grounded in the results of studying the jurors’ personalities.

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