Problem aspects of participation of the prosecutor in the stage of initiating a criminal case
The analysis of the procedural position of the prosecutor at the current stage of initiating a criminal case, the legal regulation of which has undergone significant changes, has been carried out. The participation of the prosecutor in the stage of initiating a criminal case is limited by the lack ...
Forensic aspects of the state prosecutor’s participation in jury election. Situational approach
The article considers the tactical aspects of the prosecutor’s participation in forming the jury panel. The study aims to identify and analyze existing tactical issues of the state prosecutor’s involvement in this stage of judicial proceedings and develop proposals for their resolution. The research ...
Digital transformation of Russian prosecution bodies: current status and development prospects
The article discusses the development and implementation of digital technologies in the supervisory activities of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation. The main aspects of the state policy on the digital transformation of the bodies and organizations of the Russian Prosecutor’s Office have been studied. The authors focus on general trends in the informatization ...
Functions of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation in protecting the social rights of employees of healthcare institutions: theoretical and practical issues
The article analyzes the state of legality in the field of social security of health workers, considers the implementation of the prosecutor’s powers to oversee the enforcement of laws in the social sphere, the execution of the rights of health workers to remuneration for work, compensatory and incentive and other payments, as well as additional social benefits. The authors introduce ...
Tactical and psychological problems of maintaining public prosecution in jury trial
The article states that psychological knowledge is important for effectively exercising state prosecution in a jury trial. The main purpose of the research is to establish and analyze existing tactical and psychological issues of prosecutor’s participation in court proceedings in criminal cases with the participation of jurors and to develop proposals for their solution. The set of general scientific and special methods is the background of the methodology of research. The article ...
Linguistic Means Expressing Argumentation in Judicial Discourse late 19th: The Prosecutor’s Speech in Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov
This article analyses linguistic means of expressing argumentation in judicial discourse as used in the prosecutor’s speech in F. M. Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov. The author identifies logical and psychological types of argumentation characteristic of the 19th-century courtroom speeches. Such speeches use a complex structure of theses and arguments ...
Situational approach in the prosecution in intended bodily harm cases
... the role of forensic situation studies in examining court situations. The author's classification of typical situations arising during the trial of cases of willful grievous bodily harm is presented. The specific elements of the state charge by the prosecutor in the trial court are analyzed.
1. Волчецкая Т. С. Криминалистическая ситуалогия. Калининград, 1997.
2. Волчецкая Т. С. Современные направления развития ...
Functioning of the means to present argumentation in a judicial discourse: The case of Polish literary texts
... польск. М. Троповской. М., 1906.
16. Konopnicka M. Z włamaniem. URL:
Zrelova M.
argumentation, pragmatist, rhetoric, cognitive approach, judicial discourse, literary discourse, prosecutor’s speech
Riga censorship as a manifestation of censorship policy of autocracy during Paul I’s reign
... цензуре с 1720 по 1862 гг. СПб., 1862.
архив. Именные указы Императора Павла
Пб., 1888.
Galanov M.
customs, censorship, censorship commission, spiritual censorship, prosecutor general, Holy Synod.