IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2022 Issue №1

Identification of the Couple’s Portrait from the Tansey Miniatures Foundation: identification issues


This article examines a couple’s miniature portrait, traditionally ascribed to Italian artist Julie Corneo, kept in the collection of the Tansey Miniatures Foundation. Relying on the printed and archival sources, the author was able to establish the identity of the general and his wife shown on the miniature. More importantly, the author attempted to re-examine the evolution of the uniforms of generals of the French Republic between 1791 and 1803 and to demonstrate the function of regulations and normative documents of this pe­riod. The process of identifying these portraits, through complex analysis and comparative approach, offered an opportunity to cast a fresh look at the exist­ing tangible culture and to bring to light one of the mechanisms of construct­ing the identity of the French nation, its symbols and national language.

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The schism of Abolitionist movement in the USA and Wendell Phillips's struggle in the Reconstruction era


This article focuses on one of the main persons of the abolition movement, Wendell Phillips. The author studies Phillips' role in abolition struggle du­ring the Reconstruction. The author describes Phillips' position the schism in the abolitionist movement in 1865. The author characterizes Phillips' position in the internal struggle with W. L. Garrison. The author examines Phillips' argument in favor of preserving the abolitionist organization for the introduc­tion of the black issue as central in the process of restoring the unity of the Union. The author expounds Phillips' reconstruction program and his strug­gle as a leader of the movement from 1865 to 1870.

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On the development of a western worldview in the context of the journal “Vestnik Evropy” in the correspondence between Alexey Veselovsky and Alexander Pypin


This article examines an extensive collection of 46 letters sent by Alexey N. Veselovsky to Alexander N. Pypin (found in IRL RAS (Saint Petersburg)) and 47 letters of Alexander N. Pypin to Alexey N. Veselovsky (found in RSL (Moscow)). The epistolary heritage of the famous Moscow literary critic Ale­xey N. Veselovsky has not yet been studied. Using the materials of his episto­lary exchange with the literary historian and academician Alexander N. Pypin we have outlined this scientific and literary circle of philologists along with their personal and business relationships, better defined their input in popularizing the ideas of Westernism at the end of the 19th century, and also de­scribed their journalistic activities during the period of cooperation with a lib­eral journal “Herald of Europe”. The author believes that Pypin's ideas in­fluenced development of Veselovsky as a scientist. This correspondence ap­pears to be highly valuable both as an important record of Alexey Veselovsky's autobi­og­raphy and the whole epoch of the end of the 19th — the early 20th cen­tury.

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